Page 31 - Tropic Magazine Issue 17
P. 31


             TROPIC’S COMMITTEE                  We pick a diverse dream team of locals to lead a vision for the city to 2050

             Stephen Foster                    Michael Nelson
             Cairns Regional Council’s head    Pinnacle Tourism Marketing
             of Cultural Services
                                                CHOSEN FOR: Passion and expertise in
              CHOSEN FOR: Arts and culture vision  tourism

             Darren Barber                    Davy O’Rourke                     Cr Bob Manning
             Gin Social, Three                Mama Coco &                       Cairns Mayor
             Wolves & Flamingos               Hopscotch
             Tiki Bar                                                            CHOSEN FOR: Cairns management
                                                CHOSEN FOR:                      experience
              CHOSEN FOR:                       food scene
              Sophisticated                     innovation and
              foresight and                     social advocacy                 Nathan Lee Long
              small business                                                    ARUP and Cairns and District
              experience                      Belinda Danks-Woodley             Chinese Association Inc
                                              Crystalbrook Collection
                                                                                  CHOSEN FOR: Infrastructure nous
                         Amy Eden               CHOSEN FOR: Marketing and         meets cultural knowledge
                         Community advocate     communications guru
                          CHOSEN FOR:                                          Krista Watkins
                          Community advocacy                 Norris Carter     Natural Evolution
                          and personal integrity
                                                             Cairns Airport
                                                                                 CHOSEN FOR:
                                                               CHOSEN FOR:       Agricultural innovation
             Dr Leah Talbot                                    Our city’s most
             Wet Tropics Management Authority                  important built
                                                               asset                           Amy Turnbull
               CHOSEN FOR: Environmental and                                                   Executive Manager
               cultural resource management
                                                                                               to Cairns Mayor
                                                                                                 CHOSEN FOR: Big
             Ranjit Singh                                                                        city views framed
             Holding Redlich                                                                     in a Cairns lens
                                              Grace Lillian Lee
              CHOSEN FOR:                     Indigenous artist
              Global approach                                                    Special advisor
              to doing deals                    CHOSEN FOR: Artistic vision and   to the Tropic
                                                creativity                       Committee:
                                                                                 Luckbir Singh for his
             Rick Hanlon                                                         sense of clarity, vision
             Cape York AFL House                           Rhiannon              and leadership skills.
              CHOSEN FOR: Using sport as a                 Simcocks
              means for wellbeing                          Cairns Young
                                                           Chamber              OUR CRITERIA FOR SELECTION
             Andy Taylor                                                                Ar S
             Prime Constructions                             CHOSEN FOR:
                                                             Passion for youth   COMMUNITY  ARTS  SPORTS  ENVIRONMENT
              CHOSEN FOR: Game changing                      leadership
              construction leader
             Jodie Mlikota                    Doug Stephens                      BUSINESS  INNOVATION  TECH
             Gathar                           AirBridge Networks
             co-founder,                                                                        TROPIC’S
             marketing guru                     CHOSEN FOR:                       FOOD   TOURISM  PERIODIC TABLE
                                                Ingenuity, problem                              OF COMMITTEE
              CHOSEN FOR:                       solving and                                     DIVERSITY
              Social innovation                 pragmatism
                                                                                EXPERIENCE  YOUTH

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