Page 29 - Tropic Magazine Issue 17
P. 29


                                                                                 CUTENESS OVERLOAD
                                                                                   Cairns Central

                                                                                 Kids love farm animals. To be
             On point                                                            honest, we do too. Good news, then,
                                                                                 with everyone’s favourite Melville’s
              STRESS LESS                                                        Easter Animal Farm returning to
             Cairns innovator Michelle                                           Cairns Central these Easter school
             Howe has developed a new                                            holidays. Visit the farm at Centre
             app called On Demand that                                           Court from April 15 to April 20
                                                                                 (closed Good Friday April 19) from
             aims to ease the stress of                                          10am to 4pm daily and see the cute
             modern living.                                                      and cuddly animals.

             For a regional city, Cairns is a                                    DETAILS
             remarkably active hub of innovation                                 Melville’s Easter Animal Farm
             and ingenuity. The latest example?                                  Date: Monday April 15 – Saturday 20
             Local businesswoman Michelle Howe   On Demand founder Michelle Howe  April (Closed Good Friday 19 April)
             and her new app called On Demand,                                   Where: Cairns Central, Centre
             which aims to connect freelancers   service instantly. Such services are   Court
             and contractors instantly with other   endless but will include cleaners, cooks,   Time: 10am – 4pm daily
             busy locals. Like most great digital   pet care, IT specialists, accountants and   Cost: Free
             solutions, On Demand is the result of   so much more.
             Michelle seeking to solve a problem. In   “A lot of platforms only offer virtual   More:
             this instance, it was borne of Michelle’s   services, whereas On demand offers in
             desire to help ease her stressful life.  person and virtual services,” Michelle
             “Having a stressful life, in a leadership   said. “It really caters for people who
             role, with limited flexibility, two   are stressed and really need someone   EASTER LONG WEEKEND AND
             children and a FIFO husband, my inner   to help on demand. It has an internal   ANZAC DAY TRADING HOURS
             voice would often be screaming, I need   GPS system and there are five different
             help!,” she said. “The thought of being   search options. For example, you can   Good Friday (19 Apr): CLOSED
                                                                                 Easter Saturday (20 Apr): 9am - 5:30pm
             able to ask for help on demand was a   search for your nearest service provider.   Easter Sunday (21 Apr): 10:30am - 4pm
             constant thought. I thought if I was   For the service providers, the payment   Easter Monday (22 Apr): 10:30am - 4pm
             feeling like this, then there would be   is automatic, so there is no stress of   ANZAC Day (25 Apr): CLOSED
             others feeling the same.”        waiting to be paid by customers.”
             On Demand will allow busy businesses   On Demand will launch in Cairns and   Please note majors and selected specialty
                                                                                 stores may trade outside of these hours.
             and individuals to find someone to fill   be available to other Queenslanders in   See individual stores for details.
             a lifestyle, business or human resource   early April.

                BEX BECKONS
                The nominations are in and    To attain recognition, organisations
                the judges are ready to start   are assessed across a set of criteria
                their evaluations as the Cairns   that underscore commitment to
                Chamber of Commerce prepares   not only sustaining bottom line
                to host the 2019 Cairns Business   results, but to superiority of service,
                Excellence Awards in June.    commitment to customers, ethical
                Set to be held at the Pullman   behaviour and environmental
                International on Saturday June   sustainability.
                15, the BEX Awards showcase
                business excellence and
                acknowledge outstanding         MORE:
                business practices and          chamber-events/BEX or contact
                contributions to our community in   Judit Fernandez on (07) 4031 1838.
                the Cairns region.

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