Page 27 - Tropic Magazine Issue 17
P. 27


             Branding Cairns

              SPECIAL REPORT
             Tourism leaders embark on a
             renewed PR plan to sell Tropical
             North Queensland to the world.

             Words Renee Cluff
             A recent downturn in tourist numbers
             and the suspension of China Southern
             Airlines’ Cairns service, has spurred
             tourism stakeholders into action.   three flights a week out of there.
             Representatives of organisations   Something’s not clicking somewhere.”
             including the Cairns Airport, Tourism   The comments follow a call to arms
             Tropical North Queensland and the   from Syrian businessman Ghassan      TTNQ and the tourism
             Cairns Convention Centre met with   Aboud who’s invested  $600 million in
             the Queensland Tourism Minister Kate   Cairns through the construction of his   industry need to step
             Jones in March, and are promising a   three luxury Crystalbrook Collection   up and lead. We need a
             continuing, unified response to the   hotels.
             challenges the industry’s facing.  “We should all be involved in this case   strategy and a budget.
             Cairns Mayor Bob Manning told Tropic   to attract visitors through providing   Then we all need to work
             the city needs to lift its game.  an environment and experiences       together and map out how
             “Over the past 15 to 20 years, where   that international guests expect,” Mr
             we’ve come from in regards to    Aboud said. “Two years ago, I met        we get to that budget.
             international inbound and where   the Premier and the Council was        Do we need $10 million?
                                              also with us and I told them that my
                                              job as a businessman was to see the    $25 million? Whether it’s
                                              buildings come out of the ground but   raised through a bed tax
               The industry needs to have a   it’s your job to go and sell the city. As   or rates levy or airport tax,
             good, hard think and talk within   a businessman, it’s hard to sell the   along with a contribution
                                              city. Unfortunately since then, we’ve
                the family and talk with the   had a lot of promises, but we’ve seen   from Tourism and Events
              airlines about issues including   nothing.”                              Queensland to match
                 marketing and branding.      According to Cairns CQU academic        it... whatever it is, let’s
                                              Bruce Prideaux, a complete
                                              reassessment of the way the region is
                                Bob Manning,    marketed is needed. “There are two    get the strategy and the
                                Cairns Mayor
                                              ways of doing a tourism product,” he   budget first and then we’ll
             we are today is a bit of a sad story,”   told Tropic. “We can say ‘look we’ve got   work out how we raise
             he said. “The industry needs to have   something to sell,’ and market the heck
             a good, hard think and talk within   out of it or we can ask people what   the money. It’s simple
             the family and talk with the airlines   they’re interested in and provide that.   business practise.
             about issues including marketing   In the past, the reef and rainforest
             and branding, how we operate in the   were working well, but why aren’t
             market place and what markets we’re   they working well now? What people
             going to concentrate on. At its most   want from a tourism experience has
             simplistic level, there are 1.5 billion   changed and we haven’t really listened   Mark Davie,
             people in China and we can’t fill up   to the market.”                    Crystalbrook Collection

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