Page 36 - Tropic Magazine Issue 17
P. 36


           proud and longstanding naming
           right sponsorship of the Cairns
           Taipans as well as our strong
           commitment to research with two
           centres - Centre for Tourism and
           Regional Opportunities (CTRO) and
           Centre for Indigenous Health Equity
           Research (CIHER) – both providing
           data and key recommendations
           for the Cairns community. The
           upcoming launch of our new
           First Peoples Think Tank will also
           positively contribute to the region.
            “CQUni Cairns contributes to the
           governance of community and
           industry leadership organisations
           including Regional Development      CQUni Cairns students Jesse Peirotti, Marika Spann and Imani Williams.
           Australia FNQ&TS, Cairns Chamber
           of Commerce, Advance Cairns and
           Study Cairns,” she explained.    real-world knowledge and skills   course offerings, and industry
           “We also actively support local   through work integrated learning   engagement.
           organisations and initiatives such   opportunities, practical learning   “The CQUniversity Cairns
           as the Business Liaison Association,   experiences and project-based   Community Impact Plan was
           which links high school students    learning.”                    designed to have a direct,
           with Industry.                   In July 2017, CQUniversity       tangible and positive impact on
           “Our industry connections are a   announced the Cairns Community   the industries, economies and
           cornerstone of CQUni’s commitment   Impact Plan – a $54.7 million shovel-  communities that underpin the
           to delivering industry-relevant   ready proposal that would involve   prosperity of Cairns and the Far
           courses to students. Importantly,   the University delivering on the   North,” Ms Duignan George said.
           CQUni’s courses are designed     next stage of its community impact,   “The plan comprised of six key
           alongside industry to deliver    forecast student growth, expanded   projects and was developed in

                                       Cyber skills shortage

                                       Mothers are being encouraged to   data science and blockchain.It comes
                                       re-enter the workforce in cyber   at a time when the take-up of ICT-
                                       security amid an extreme shortage in  related university degrees has halved
                                       cyber-skills worldwide.          over the past decade and graduation
                                       CQUniversity’s head of cybersecurity,  rates have dropped to fewer than
                                       Dr Steven Gordon, said security and   5,000, which is likely to lead to the
                                       safety breaches such as the recent   importation of skilled labour. IT is also
                                       Momo Challenge hoax will continue    being touted for its versatility as a
                                       to increase.                     ‘generalist’ profession, with some of
                                       “Cyber security is like air – it is not   the job opportunities including app
                                       sexy, but it is necessary,” he said.  programming,
                                       A Deloitte Access Economics study   database administration, IT project
                                       shows positions for Information and   management and IT analytics.
                                       Communication Technology (ICT)   CQUniversity has digital computer
                                       workers is set to grow by almost   labs on campus and seven lecturers
                                       100,000 by 2023. Along with cyber   for face-to-face tutorials. Its most
                                       security, skills most in demand   popular majors include network security
                                       include artificial intelligence,    and app development.

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