Page 34 - Tropic Magazine Issue 17
P. 34


                                                            “Our growth has exceeded business case expectations
                                                            which proves to us that CQUni needed to be here,” Ms
                                                            Duignan-George said.
                                                            “Our goal has always been to provide the people of Cairns
                                                            with greater opportunities, opportunities that don’t require
                                                            them to relocate out of town to study. Regional universities
                                                            serve a critical purpose as part of a city’s growth is built on
                                                            the skills and workforce
                                                            of its community. We are helping to keep Cairns’ kids here
                                                            where they can learn locally, stay local and continue the
                                                            economic growth that all regional cities need
                                                            and deserve.”
           New horizons                                     Ms Duignan-George said that when the study centre first
                                                            opened, it did so with only one full-time staff.
                                                            “Now we have more than 130 team members and we’re
                                                            running out of room to accommodate any more.
           The growth of digital media industries has       This is despite the fact that we opened a further two CQUni
           prompted CQUniversity to introduce new courses   sites in 2018, expanded our facilities in our existing three-
           at the Cairns campus.                            level City campus and will open our airport campus this
                                                            year,” she explained of the significant growth.
           It’s now offering a 1-year Diploma of Digital Media,   Since starting its on-campus delivery in March 2016, the
           a 2-year Associate Degree in Digital Media and   CBD campus has gone from offering just under 20 courses
           a 3-year Bachelor of Digital Media at the Cairns   face-to-face to now delivering over 30 courses on-campus
           campus, that complement the existing Creative    and mixed mode ranging from TAFE-level
           Arts courses offered.                            to undergraduate and postgraduate degrees.
           Head of Digital Media, Associate Professor Steven   The campus offers everything from health degrees to
           Pace, told Tropic that visual design, interactive
           media and video production are not only growth
           professions in the Cairns region, but there is plenty
           of scope for future development.
           “These qualifications prepare students for a career   I am very fortunate to
           in the digital media industries with a choice of     lead an incredible team
           specialisations in graphic design, interactive       of dedicated and talented
           media, animation and video production,” he said.
           “We have new teaching spaces, including a digital    people here in Cairns and our
           media lab, a video production studio with a          success to date is on them.
            chroma-key infinity wall, lighting rig and multi-
           camera production system.                            Jodie Duignan-George,
                                                                Associate Vice-Chancellor Far North Queensland region
           “There’s also an adjoining control room, a sound
           recording booth, a video-editing suite and a student
           lounge.”                                           education and the arts, engineering and business.
           CQU Cairns is also now offering a Bachelor of      “The first year was really about making the connections with
           Psychological Science.                             community and industry to get a sense of what the needs
                                                              were and identify the gaps in programs that were on offer,” Ms
           Senior lecturer Darren Walker said students in     Duignan-George said.
           Cairns can now study psychology on-campus from     “We’ve now got the engineering lab on Buchan Street, the Sports
           year one all the way to honours.                   Sciences building on Aumuller Street, the airport campus which
           “Students who graduate with us will have           will officially open in early May, and a number of new facilities
           opportunities to pursue postgraduate training in   as part of Cairns Square expansion including: music studios, a
           Clinical, Forensic and Positive psychology,” he said.  digital media lab, a VR lab and a Psychology observation lab.”
           “We are investing in unique Cairns research        While CQUni is a leader in online study and prides itself on
                                                              providing students with the flexibility to study their own way,
           facilities, including observation and virtual-reality   Ms Duignan-George said staying connected with students was
           laboratories.                                      extremely important.
           “We also want students to apply their knowledge    “That’s where our growing campus has played such a big role,”
           outside the classroom and will be encouraging      she said.
           voluntary placements with community                “With academics, professional staff and student support services
           organisations.                                     all available under the one roof, we’re able to provide both our
           Enrolments for both psychology and digital media   online and on-campus students with a place to connect, form
                                                              study groups and access resources and technology in a safe and
           courses are already in the double digits.          friendly environment.

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