Page 26 - Tropic Magazine Issue 17
P. 26


           Hard sell

           As the Great Barrier Reef bounces back from bleaching, the struggle
           to revive its image is proving to be another great challenge.
           Words Renee Cluff                                                   Ochre is coming to
                                                                               Cairns Airport.
           The Great Barrier Reef became a poster   believing tourism or believing one
           child for climate change when back-to-  scientist over another.”
           back bleaching events occurred in 2016   For now, the organisation’s main method   Foodies take flight
           and 2017. Amid headlines screaming   is showcasing almost 130 reef projects.
           two-thirds of the Reef was covered in   “We’re creating this world where you   A stellar line-up of local
           skeletal coral, people worldwide began to  can find out what’s going on,” Mr Ridley   and national food brands
           write The Reef off.              said. “Instagram and Facebook also play   is arriving soon at Cairns
           Whether or not scientists got the scale or   a role and we have a partnership with   Airport.
           severity right, two years on, there’s    Biopixel to create content that’s
           no doubt the world’s largest living   image-driven.”                Some of the biggest names in the
           structure is showing remarkable signs    Stuart Ireland, from Calypso Reef   Cairns food and beverage scene
           of recovery. But the world doesn’t seem   Imagery, also uses pictures and video   are about to transform eating and
           to know about it.                as proof of The Reef’s resilience. The   drinking options for travellers
           Promoting positive stories is a focus   marine biologist, photographer and   at Cairns Airport’s domestic
           of the Citizens of the Great Barrier   videographer has started a vlog called   terminal. Local favourites like
           Reef, which received $1.3 million in   Reef Today.                  Ochre, Rattle ‘N’ Hum, The Pier
           Federal Government funding and   “I’ve been doing it myself because it   Bar, Industry One and Cafe China
           works in conjunction with Tourism   needs to be done,” he told Tropic.    will join national brands like
           Tropical North Queensland, the State   “I am seeing some stories come out but   Oporto and Roll’d in the
           Government and other stakeholders.  not enough and the campaign needs   $55 million redeveloped T2
           “One of the devastating things you hear   to incorporate more people from the   domestic terminal.
           when you travel abroad is it’s dead or   tourism industry because they’re the   Cairns Airport Chief Commercial
           dying,” said founder Andy Ridley.   ones out on the water every day.”  Officer Tracey Groves said the
            “The great challenge is to get an    “Promotion is underfunded by   new outlets would feature a
           accurate picture of the diversity    Government and while it’s great there’s   range of local produce and
           and we’re working on how to answer    plenty of money going into research and   ingredients in a vibrant, modern
           that question.”                  regeneration, a lot needs to be brought   setting. “We’ve been working on
           The organisation collates good news   back to the image of the Great Barrier   understanding the needs of our
           stories, but balancing the agendas of   Reef and tourism because it’s the main   passengers and visitors and are
           competing dive operators, scientists and   show in Queensland.”     confident this new line-up will
           environmental groups is proving    Last year, the Great Barrier Reef   enhance the customer experience
           a challenge.                     Foundation controversially received a   in the domestic terminal,” she
           “No-one knows who to trust, so how do   $444 million grant from the    said. “The terminal upgrade
           you tell the world a very accurate,    Federal Government. Its investment   will create a fantastic sense of
           real-time picture of what The Reef  is   strategy doesn’t include any reef    place and offer our passengers
           like?” he said. “There’s scepticism with   tourism promotion.       a wonderful dining and shopping
                                                                               experience. The new look terminal
                                                                               will allow passengers to extend
                                                                               their tourism experience from
                                                                               the moment they land to the time
                                                                               they take off, creating enduring
                                                                               memories of their experience
                                                                               here. We hope they can take
                                                                               a little piece of Tropical North
                                                                               Queensland home with them.”
                                                                               The new outlets will start opening
                                                                               from November this year, with
                                                                               all 13 restaurants and bars
                                                                               expected to be operational by
                                                                               December 2020.

                                                         Pic: Stuart Ireland    MORE:

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