Page 28 - Tropic Magazine Issue 17
P. 28


           How to become an
           employer of choice

           Words Eva Grabner
           A company’s attitude towards staff
           is crucial to success, writes Elite
           Executive’s Eva Grabner.
           Many companies focus their marketing
           and communication messages on their
           service or product because, ultimately,
           they are naturally focused on sales
           improvement.  This focus is crucial,
           of course. However, what often gets
           overlooked is the company’s attitude                              •  If your business is the type to
           towards its staff.                                                  attend conferences and university
           For example, you have a successful                                  open days are you making the
           company experiencing great               It’s all about             most of these events to market
           profitability. The shareholders are   communication by              yourself as an employer of choice?
           happy and the bank is happy but you   having a good strategy        Reach out to local universities and
           want to grow. You need more staff!                                  training organisations, attend
           But often when you reach this level of   in place that gives you a   career seminars and showcase your
           success you have more competition for   definite advantage over     business.
           the best staff.  It can often come down   the competition. What is
           to a salary war between two companies                             Ultimately it’s all about communication
           looking to hire the same person.   your ‘selling’ point? What     by having a good strategy in place that
                                                                             gives you a definite advantage over
           If you can adopt a strategy that    can you offer that your
           develops your reputation in the market                            the competition. What is your ‘selling’
           place as an ‘employer of choice’ then you   competitor struggles to   point? What can you offer that your
           will have the skilled people you need       match?                competitor struggles to match? This is
           wanting to work for you, putting the                              usually conveyed by the CEO or the MD
                                                                             of a business as they ultimately drive
           choice in your hands. This can put you
           in a powerful, and enviable, position!                            the culture of the business.
           Consider your own impressions of   But there are a few things you can do   Finally, the essence of becoming an
           a few well-known companies. If you   quite readily, right now, to improve   employer of choice is the quality of
           are a creative person looking for   your image to potential employees:  the employment relationship. What is
                                                                             your (business) relationship with your
           intellectual creativity in your working   •  What does your company website say
           environment, you may think of joining                             employees because ultimately, they are
           Google. How about a company with a   about you? Does your company care   the face of your business and will either
                                              about its staff? Is there support for
           young, active workforce and culture -   professional development? Do you   endorse it or not.
           maybe Red Bull? Why is it that people   encourage flexi-time? Parental leave   Have a long, hard look at your business
                                                                             culture as it is today.  Do you struggle
           want to work for these companies? They   and other benefits? In the absence
           must get thousands of resumes each                                to attract the right people? Do you
           week and have the ability to pick the   of these sorts of clear messages the   retain your staff? What is your message
                                              assumption will be that you don’t offer,
           best of the best.                  or care about, these types of issues.  to the world?
           So, what do you need to do to become
           an employer that is attractive to the   •  Make sure your clients know how
           workforce without breaking the bank?   important your staff are to your business   MORE: or
           Most SME’s don’t have a huge budget to   as they can be potential referrers for you   contact Eva on 0409 591 188
           market their reputation as an employer.    if you are viewed positively.

                                ABOUT ELITE EXECUTIVE
                                Providing an unrivalled one-on-one bespoke service, Eva Grabner is the changing face of
                                the recruitment industry. As an Executive Recruiter and Search Consultant with over a
                                decade of experience, Eva works alongside her clients to understand their business and
                                culture. With an extensive global network and current knowledge on market conditions,
                                Eva quickly identifies the best high performing candidates for her clients and works closely
                                with both parties to ensure a seamless transition.

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