Page 25 - Tropic Magazine Issue 17
P. 25


                What next for tourism?

                Tropic dives into the big issues facing our tourism industry, with a three-page special report
                highlighting a range of challenges. We look at Cairns Regional Council’s bed tax proposal, calls for a
                rethink of our city’s branding and how to market positive messages about the Great Barrier Reef.

             Taxing tourists

              SPECIAL REPORT
             A proposal for a Cairns visitor
             levy to fund the region’s
             promotion as a tourism
             destination gains momentum.

             Words Renee Cluff
             Cairns Regional Council is pushing ahead   home stretch. “We’ve done a lot of work   restaurant, Craig Squire. “I’ve been calling
             with its plan to charge tourists 1.5% to 2%   on this,” he said. But hurdles remain.   out for it for years because we’re under-
             of the cost of their nightly room rate, the   One of the major stumbling blocks will   funded for marketing,” he said. “State
             proceeds of which would be funnelled   be opposition from accommodation   Government money is spread pretty
             directly to the region’s major tourism   providers. Nicholas Henderson, the   thin across the regions and we just don’t
             marketing body. All accommodation   General Manager of Holiday Inn Cairns   have the coin that other similar tourist
             types are included in the proposal,   Harbourside, is treating the idea with   destinations, such as in south-east Asia
             from hostel rooms, to resorts and even   caution. “While we are supportive of any   and the Gold Coast do. That means we
             Airbnb’s.                        initiatives that promote Tropical North   don’t have the proper financial resources
             Mayor Bob Manning told Tropic while   Queensland as a destination, there must   to promote the region competitively.”
             the initiative would significantly boost   be full consultation with industry before
             the region’s tourism marketing budget,   any tax is implemented, to make sure it is
             visitors themselves wouldn’t really notice   properly designed and does not harm the   Airbnb backs bed tax
             the extra cost. “If you’ve got to pay an   industry,” he said. “We would advocate   Home-sharing platform Airbnb
             extra $1.50 tourism levy, it’s just a gold   for a flat rate rather than a percentage   has welcomed the push for a
             coin donation but when you’ve got say   of a room rate so that full-service hotels   bed tax in Cairns. There are more
             three million visitors a year, you’ve got   are not made disproportionately more   than 2,000 Airbnb operators in
             them staying an average of four or five   expensive than their competitors. There is   the region. Head of Public Policy
             nights. They’re paying $100-$150 a room   also often a significant cost to businesses   for Australia and New Zealand,
             per night, so it adds up,” he said. “The   who have to collect, audit and account   Brent Thomas, told Tropic a
             money will be collected monthly from   for such taxes, and that cost is often far   tourism levy in Australia is long
             the accommodation houses, paid to the   beyond the value of the actual tax itself.”  overdue.
             Council and then passed through to   What could also knock the idea on the   “Evidence and experience
             TTNQ in total.”                  head is its implementation, which the   shows that tourism levies, when
             While such an initiative is common   Council is seeking legal advice on. If such   designed and implemented
             overseas, Cr Manning said it would be the   a levy needs State Government approval,   correctly, work.
             first levy of its kind in Australia. “There   there’s next to no chance it will progress,   “We’re proud to have partnered
             are some Councils which add a levy onto   with both the Palaszczuk Government   with hundreds of governments
             their rates, so it picks up every ratepayer,”   and the LNP Opposition stating they   worldwide and collected more
             he said. “Our intention of this levy is to   won’t be supporting any new taxes if   than USD$1 billion in revenue,
             catch the tourists, the people who are   elected                    and would be open to more
             visiting here and using our resources.”  next year. However, there is support   detailed discussions with Cairns
             While the Mayor wouldn’t commit to a   within the local tourism industry,   Regional Council.”
             timeline, he said the proposal is in the   including from the owner of Ochre

                                                               Bed taxes around the world
                                                               per person, per night
                                                                   KYOTO, JAPAN            NEW YORK,
                                                                   Up to AUD$8             UNITED STATES
                                                                                           14.75% of room rate plus
                                                                   PARIS, FRANCE           flat fee of $5/day
                                                                   Up to AUD$6
                                                                                          KUALA LUMPUR,
                                                                   ROME, ITALY            Flat fee of AUD$3.50
                                                                   Up to AUD$11

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