Page 46 - Tropic Magazine Issue 30
P. 46
Burgers and
Tropic had a chat to Reid Brydon
and Nico Leffler, Hemingway’s How would you describe your
Brewery’s head chef and approach to cooking/brewing?
RB: I love food. Cooking food, eating
brewer duo. food, creating food. You can never stop
learning in this industry and I love
Hemingway’s has become an institution going outside my comfort zone to try
in a region which is known to love a cold new styles of cooking.
one. With two waterfront locations in NL: I am fascinated with the process and
Cairns and Port Douglas, a core range of the product itself. Even little tweaks can
eight beers and a rotating list of limited have a huge impact on the final product,
releases paired with great pub fare, the so I always pay high attention to all the
independent craft brewery is adored by details. I use carefully chosen high-quality
locals and tourists alike. In this edition malt and hops from Australia, USA, New
of Tropic Taste we chat to Hemingway’s Zealand and Germany. When it comes to
headmen about beers, burgers and the recipe development it is important for me
bold, innovative flavours the brewery’s to produce well-rounded, balanced beers What are some key principles in food
known for. which are true to style. In my opinion, and beer pairing?
consistency is one of the key factors when RB: I believe there’s no real rule in what
What came before your role at it comes to quality beer. For that it is makes you happy when it comes to food,
Hemingway’s? essential to supervise and control every it is much more a personal preference.
Reid Brydon, Head Chef: Originally, single step from the beginning of the Have fun with it. I personally like the
I was a butcher but was much more brewing process to the final canning more bitter and heavy citrus style beers
interested in the cooking side of food so or kegging. and I find that goes well with salty, sweet,
I became a chef and started working in savoury and spicy foods.
all sorts of different pubs, restaurants What flavours make your NL: There are different ways to pair
and cafes. As soon as I heard about tastebuds happiest? beer with food. One way is that beer and
a local brewery opening in town, RB: I love bold, infusion flavours! food complement each other like a stout
I couldn’t help but apply. And I like to be daring when it comes to and chocolate or beef ribs and a dark
Nico Leffler, Head Brewer: In 2015 I cooking. I can always discover something lager or ale. Or they contrast each other
started my apprenticeship as a brewer for everyone. like oysters and a stout, or spicy wings
at the German brewery Schmucker. NL: Bitter, sweet and smoked. and a refreshing lager.
After that I worked there full-time in
the brewhouse and in the laboratory. Describe Hemingway’s in a What would you like to see more
I went abroad to gain work experience single sentence. of in Cairns?
in Scottish and Swedish craft breweries. RB: Fresh beer, great food, RB: What it was before COVID! A buzzing
In 2020 I moved to Australia to work at stunning locations! town with different cultures and cuisines
TRIBE Brewery in Goulburn. NL: Hemingway’s Brewery combines from around the world!
After that I started as a head brewer at tasty food with high quality beer in a NL: Restaurants with more native
Hemingway’s Brewery in Cairns. unique setting. Australian influence.
46 • Tropic • Issue 30