Page 55 - Tropic Magazine Issue 17
P. 55


         Tropic views

         Delve into some diverse and different views
         with our line-up of local columnists.

                                                                                  Paul Sjogren
                                                                                  Trinity Anglican School

                                                               Education evolution

                                                               2019 is a fascinating year for education. Queensland schools are
                                                               transitioning from a senior student outcome of Overall Positions
                                                               (OPs) to come into line with other states, while nationally there
                                                               are a number of developments occurring.
                           Warren Entsch                       We were very pleased that the Hon. Dan Tehan, Federal Minister
                           Federal Member for Leichhardt       for Education, recently visited Cairns to chat with school leaders
                                                               and parent representatives from all three school sectors to hear
                                                               our concerns regarding education issues. We hosted the minister
         Export success                                        and our local federal representative Warren Entsch at TAS
                                                               where Mr Tehan outlined changes and developments in national
         During February, over 4000 coral trout fingerlings made   education initiatives. Cairns schools continue to achieve strong
         their way to Taiwan from Cairns in my electorate of   student outcomes and are developing quite a reputation further
         Leichhardt in a pilot shipment - a first in our region.  south for quality education.
         It is fantastic to see firsthand how Company One Pty   Recently, Federal, State and Territory education ministers (a
         Ltd has diversified and set up a world-class facility to   group known as the Education Council) met in Melbourne
         accommodate a billion-dollar industry.                and held a forum to start the discussion on reviewing the
                                                               National Goals of Schooling. Search online for the “Melbourne
                    This almost didn’t happen.                 Declaration” to find out more. With the fast pace of educational
                                                               policy changes, we need to ensure that developments are backed
         At the end of 2016, I received a phone call from the then   by data and evidence, not simply the latest fad. Many schools,
         Finfish Enterprise Pty Ltd advising the Labor state   with the right intent, implement new approaches that are
         government were literally going to turn off their power   ideologically or financially based rather than proven structures
         that afternoon and, as a result, millions of fish would be   that will improve student educational outcomes. We need to
         euthanised.                                           ensure our prime goal in education is to prepare our young
         It was only through my intervention that they were able   people to be successful and active engagers in the 21st century.
         to keep the lights on and their employees in a job. Then   As part of these changes, there is also a national review of senior
         Company One was formed and, with it, an exciting      secondary education taking place this year. This process may be a
         development for the Cairns fish-breeding facility.    game changer, with calls for an overhaul of the use of ATARs for
         The fingerlings are shipped in styrofoam boxes inside   university entrance, a process described as “a strait jacket around
         plastic bags filled with oxygen-rich water to last the   our kids”.
         18-hour trip. Company One have invested a lot of time,   Further issues that will appear on the radar this year is the
         money and energy into a special boxing technique for the   efficacy of NAPLAN (do we as a society benefit from formal
         species, to minimise as much stress as possible for the   testing of all students across Years 3, 5, 7 and 9?) and the process
         fish. They are capable of breeding over 10 million giant   of sourcing, training and preparing enough young, new teachers
         groper and coral trout fingerlings every year. Company   for the growing challenges of teaching in the 21st century.
         One will continue to invest heavily and are now looking at   After a recent discussion with a number of principals from the
         breeding other select species.                        south-east corner of Queensland, I walked away confident that
         Congratulations to Richard, Ryan, Angelique and the   both TAS and other schools in Cairns provide quality education
         team on your commitment to keeping this industry alive   pathways for our young people. Having said that, there are
         and growing in our region.                            always areas schools can improve and we will continue to work as
                                                               hard as we can to do so.

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