Page 51 - Tropic Magazine Issue 17
P. 51
Hub of NDIS activity
Thrive FNQ has launched the city’s first ‘one-stop shop’
for NDIS information and support.
Nothing gets people talking more a difference to people in Cairns by
than a broken system. The roll out helping them be creative with their
of the National Disability Insurance supports. People with an NDIS plan Taste testing
Scheme, known as the NDIS, is can now take the lead and choose the A Daintree Rainforest couple
smack bang in the middle of that services that suit them. They can hire
conversation. a personal trainer, learn new skills growing Australia’s first
The rollout of the NDIS hasn’t been or even stay in an AirBnB when on commercial plantation of the
smooth and there are plenty of holidays. In other words, people with taste-altering berry known
frustrations and criticisms thrown a disability can live their lives just like as miracle fruit, will feature
around. Cairns was one of the last everyone else around them can. on national television in May.
areas nationally to roll out the The NDIS has a long way to go The SBS series Medicine Or
NDIS and we are still experiencing before it is seen as a success but the Myth will delve into whether
the same teething problems other opportunity it presents to people the small, red berries can
locations found five years ago. It can is incredible. Thrive FNQ will be help increase the appetites of
be difficult to get accepted into the launching Cairns’ first NDIS Hub
scheme and confusing for families at 11A Sheridan Street in April. The cancer patients. Farmers Chris
and carers to navigate. What often Thrive NDIS Hub will be a one-stop Beckwith and Karen Pereira are
isn’t said, however, is how the NDIS is shop for all things NDIS, so if you pushing for world-first clinical
changing people’s lives. don’t know where to start with the trials of the fruit to determine
The NDIS can, will and does improve NDIS or just want to know more, their suitability for people
the lives of people who for so long drop in and visit the new Thrive NDIS suffering dysgeusia, a taste
have been left without a choice. Hub for a cuppa and a chat! disorder common in people
Now people with a disability have a who’ve had chemotherapy and
choice and it is changing how they MORE: radiotherapy.
live their lives. Every day it makes
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