Page 50 - Tropic Magazine Issue 17
P. 50


                                                                               THE FOLLOWING LIFESTYLE
                                                                               CHANGES HAVE BEEN SHOWN
                                                                               TO SIGNIFICANTLY DECREASE
                                                                               YOUR DEMENTIA RISK:

                                                                                     Aerobic exercises reduces
                                                                                     brain atrophy. It has been
                                                                                     shown that adults who
                                                                                     exercised in midlife,
                                                                                     around the age of 40, were
                                                                                     less likely to develop
           Reduce your risk                                                          dementia after age 65.

           ADVICE                                                                    The Mediterranean Diet
                                                                                     is associated with a
           Tropic columnist Dr Alex                                                  lower risk of developing
           delves into some helpful tips                                             Alzheimer’s disease. In
           for reducing your risk of                                                 particular importance for
           dementia.                                                                 cognitive function are the
                                                                                     nutrients Folate, Vitamin
           WHAT IS DEMENTIA?                                                         B6 and Vitamin B12.
           Dementia is an umbrella
           term for a group of symptoms                                              Education in general
           including memory problems and                                             seems to increase your
           difficulties to carry out everyday                                        “cognitive reserve” - the
           activities. It has become the    If you are concerned about               brain’s ability to function
           second leading cause of death    increasing forgetfulness you should      even if a percentage of
           worldwide with an increasing     see your GP to potentially rule out      brain cells are affected.
           tendency. Alzheimer’s disease    other, reversible causes, establish a
           accounts for the majority of     proper diagnosis and modify your         Optimisation of
           dementia cases.                  lifestyle factors. If you are a person   cardiovascular risk factors
           Until very recently, research    caring for somebody with dementia        such as obesity, smoking
           focused on finding a single cause   or you simply want to learn more      and high blood pressure
           for Alzheimer’s disease, called the   about it, there is a fantastic free
           “amyloid hypothesis”. We now     online course from the University        has a positive effect on
           believe that there are in fact many   of Tasmania you could take - just   your dementia risk.
           different causes triggering the   Google it. Why don’t you get that       Periodontal disease
           shrinkage and plaques formation   bike out now and see your dentist?      (gum infection) has
           in the brain.
           The biggest risk factor          Best regards,                            been associated with                                                                                      The Healthy Hub is your hub for everything good
           statistically is being aged over 60                                       an increased risk
           to 65 years.                     Dr Alex                                  of cardiovascular,                                                                                          and healthy in Cairns, Far North Queensland.
           A very small proportion of                                                cerebrovascular and
           dementia with an early onset in                                           Alzheimer’s disease.                                                                                      Fresh, local and organic produce with a focus on
           life is due to genetic influences.   MORE:                                                                                                                            supporting and sourcing direct from the
                                                                                                                                                                                                            region’s farmers.

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                                                                                                                                                                                               jackfruit nachos,  smoothie bowls, juices, salads,
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                                                                                                                                                                                                       CAFÉ OPEN MON-SAT 9-2PM

                                                                                                                                                                                                           CONNECT WITH US

                                                                                                                                                                                                          @TheHealthyHubCairns &
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