Page 60 - Tropic Magazine Issue 17
P. 60


           Served by Sam

           STIR IT UP
           Three Wolves co-owner Sam
           Kennis goes to Tiki town with
           this selection of cocktails you
           can make at home.

           Time for a drink... welcome to another
           edition of Served by Sam.
           I hope you got a chance to either Walk,
           Run or Fly with my cocktail recipes
           featured in the last edition. If you did
           make some of the previous cocktails at
           home, I’d love to hear your feedback or
           see any pictures.
           This edition it’s all about Tiki and Fun
           with inspiration from Flamingo’s Tiki
           Bar. If you haven’t been to Flamingos
           yet, get on down and check it out                                     MINI SCORPION
           under Bushfire Restaurant on the                                      This one’s a more home-
           Esplanade. This place is all about                                    friendly version of the classic
           fun vibes, a relaxed atmosphere and                                   Tiki shared cocktail called the
           amazing drinks.                                                       Scorpion Bowl.

                                               GINSPIRATION                    Ingredients
            MORE: Have you tried one of Sam’s
            cocktails and loved it? Let us know   Not all Tiki drinks need to be   200ml aged rum
                                               about rum. Here is a gin inspired
                                                                               60ml cinnamon syrup (please see
            via the Tropic Now Facebook page or   Tiki cocktail. The original Tiki   below for recipe)
            email: [email protected]
                                               cocktail that we are playing    30ml passionfruit syrup  - you can
                                               on today is called The Saturn. I   buy this in any grocery store
                                               have put a twist on this as some   120ml fresh lemon Juice (buy lemons
                                               ingredients are not found in the   from Rusty’s)
                                               everyday kitchen.               150 ml fresh orange juice (buy
                                                                               oranges from Rusty’s)
                                                                               Fill with ice
                                              Ingredients                      Garnish: Orange wheels, wedges,
                                              (Makes 1 litre)                  or peels; lemon wheels, wedges, or
                                              150ml good quality gin           peels;
                                              100ml fresh lemon juice          Glassware: 1 litre jug or large bowl
                                              30 vanilla syrup (see recipe below)
                                              60ml cinnamon syrup              Method
                                              120 cranberry juice              1.  Using a measure, add all ingredients
                                              200 pineapple Juice               into a blender and blend with 1 cup
                                                                                crushed ice.
                                              Method                           2. Pour into a jug filled with a few large
              PAINKILLER                      Add all ingredients into a jug filled with   ice cubes.
              Classic Tiki cocktail that’s nice   ice. Give a really good stir and serve.   3. Garnish to your heart’s content! See
              and easy to make. One that will   Garnish with pineapple wedge.   suggestions above.
              get the party talking.
                                              VANILLA SYRUP RECIPE             CINNAMON SYRUP RECIPE
                                              •  1 vanilla bean                •  2 cinnamon quills
            Ingredients                       •  1 cup sugar (white sugar)     •  1 cup white sugar
            (Makes 1 litre)                   •  1 cup water                   •  1 cup water
            200ml dark rum
            250ml pineapple Juice             Method                           Method
            120ml orange Juice                1.  Bring water to the boil in a small   1.  Bring water to the boil in a small
            60ml coconut cream                 saucepan. Once boiling reduce heat.   saucepan. Once boiling reduce heat.
                                              2. Add sugar and stir until it has   2. Add sugar and stir until dissolved
            Method                             dissolved completely.            completely.
            Add all ingredients into a blender with   3. Reduce the heat even more, add the   3. Reduce the heat even more, add the
            a hand full of ice. Give it a quick blend.   vanilla and cover the pan.  cinnamon sticks and cover the pan.
            Pour into jug filled with ice.    4. Simmer for 10 minutes.        4. Simmer for 10 minutes.
            Garnish: Pineapple wedges         5. Remove the pan from the heat. Allow   5. Remove the pan from heat. Allow it
            Glassware: 1 litre jug             it to cool and steep for at least 1 hour.  to cool and steep for at least 1 hour.

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