Page 52 - Tropic Magazine Issue 17
P. 52


           Horsing around

           MENTAL HEALTH
           A unique mental health
           program being delivered
           by Headspace Cairns offers
           young people the chance to
           connect with nature.
           Words Georgina Malingambi

           Technology is now a huge part of our   Common Grounds on the outskirts of   around them and if you are not ‘present’
           everyday lives and there’s no denying   Innisfail. The program is supported   there is no way you are going to get a
           the convenience that comes along with   by Headspace Outreach, who are   600kg flight animal to listen to you”.
           it. But the impact isn’t always positive,   working collaboratively to deliver their   Headspace Cairns, which provides
           particularly for young people. Being   ‘communication coaching’ program to   mental health services for young people
           constantly connected to technology can   the young people of the Innisfail and   aged 12 to 25 years, has extended
           often have a negative impact on often   Cassowary Coast area.     services to Headspace Outreach which
           already stressful lives.         Horses are used in the program as   includes the Innisfail area. Georgina
           To counteract the ‘always on’ lifestyle   an example, representing a modern   Malingambi, the Outreach mental health
           of many young people, a new program   adaptation of the four fundamental   clinician for Headspace, works closely
           being delivered by Headspace Cairns   personality types and how each of   with Amy in delivering the program to
           offers young people the chance to log   these has its own conditioned response   young people. “A lot of young people
           off and connect with nature. The new   under pressure. Young people are   struggle with issues like anxiety and
           program aims to boost mental health by  matched to the personality of a horse or   low confidence which often can lead to
           welcoming participants into the stables   ’horsenality’. Those that may have poor   avoidance and withdrawing from their
           and getting them out in the paddock.   boundaries, or experienced bullying,   day to day lives or the opposite,” Georgina
                                            will be paired with a strong personality   said. “They might display behavioural
                                            horse to help them learn to say ‘no’   or conduct issues as way of distracting
                                            assertively. Likewise, someone who   from how they are really feeling. Using
                                            comes across as loud and boisterous   a horse to deliver traditional principles
              Being around horses           will work with a sensitive horse so   of therapies such as CBT and breathing
               has always been a            they can learn to develop calmness and   to lower stress levels is a unique, fun and
              great stress reliever         become more aware of how their body   innovative way of helping young people
                                            language is affecting them.
                                                                             help themselves to better wellbeing.
                    for me.                 Amy of Common Grounds Equine has   I personally like the opportunity of
                            Amy             always wanted to combine her passion   offering mental health support, and early
                            from Common     for horses with helping people. She   intervention to young people in the non-
                            Grounds Equine
                                            knows from her own experience the   clinical setting of the paddock.”
                                            positive effect on her wellbeing. “Being
           Innisfail locals Jai and Amy Williamson   around horses has always been a great   MORE: For further information
           are the licensees of Sue Spence’s   stress reliever for me,” Amy said. “I   contact Headspace on
           award-winning Horses Helping     have since learned a term which mental   07 4041 3780 or Amy at
           Humans method. Sue’s Youth Horse   health professionals seem to use a lot   Common Grounds Equine on
           Whispering Program is one of the   which is ‘mindfulness’. Horses often
           activities run from their property at   mirror the behaviour and emotions   0411 972 799.

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