Page 58 - Tropic Magazine Issue 17
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          Foodvixen finds

           HOT SPOTS
           Out and about in the local       to cotton on, with no shortage of 5-star
           food scene with Tropic           online reviews.
                                            Personally? I’m a sucker for the Reuben
           columnist and social media       with its house-brined corned beef,
           influencer Foodvixen.            toasted rye from local artisan baker
                                            Baked on Red Hill, sauerkraut, slaw,
                                            Ruskii mayo and Swiss cheese. My other
          Slap happy times                  half can’t get enough of the Cubano. It’s
                                            real man food with a triple whammy of
          SLAP AND PICKLE                   mojo pork, ham and crispy bacon. Apart
          SANDWICH AND TAPAS BAR                                             life as a blues bar. A recent tapas and
                                            from the next level sangas there’s also   cocktails night was a raging success and
          Nowhere in Cairns do the sandwiches   some tasty tapas on the menu on Friday   he’s about to launch comedy nights,
          taste better than at Slap and Pickle on   nights. This is no ordinary tapas. I’m   pizza nights and even hot wings. He’s
          Shields Street. Remembered by some as   talkin’ red wine braised beef cheeks with   pulling out all the stops so you can be
          the quaint 12 Bar Blue, the then vacant   Paris mash and tobacco onions and hot   damn sure there’s plenty more drool-
          shop was taken over by its new owner   tomato & feta bruschetta with onion jam   worthy delights in store for this funky
          a little over 12 months ago. Chef Daithi   and fried basil just to name a couple.   food stop.
          completely transformed the space,   Drooling yet?
          adorning the walls with eclectic art from   Chef Daithi is the host with the most   Follow Foodvixen on Facebook
          local upcoming artists and giving life   and he’s got a few extraordinary things   and Instagram for foodie news and
          to breakfast and lunch inspired fare six   lined up for this little sandwich bar that   restaurant reviews.
          days a week. The locals didn’t take long   may be more reminiscent of its former

                                                                                                     Don’t forget:
                                                                                                      two hours
                                                                                                    above the market
                                                                                                     on Sheridan St.

               Renowned for its carnival atmosphere and colourful
                stallholders, Rusty’s boasts over 180 stalls featuring
                exotic fruit, vegetables, and flowers, fresh breads,
             diary, and seafood, food and beverage stalls, jewellery,
                   coffee, and chocolate ... and so much more!

             Drop in any Friday, Saturday, or Sunday to discover one of
                          Cairns’ most famous tourist icons.

                    FRI & SAT: 5am to 6pm, SUN: 5am to 3pm

       57-89 Grafton Street, Cairns       07 4040 2705               Rusty’s Markets
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