Page 57 - Tropic Magazine Issue 17
P. 57


                                 Rebecca Macmillan
                                 Registered migration agent
                                 Holding Redlich

          Migration changes can be confusing
          We are 12 months on from the employer sponsored visa overhaul
          and many businesses are still confused about who they can and
          cannot sponsor.                                                                Amy Eden
          This confusion is understandable as the employer sponsored
          program is more complex than ever before. Some of the                          Community Advocate
          questions I am regularly asked are:
          What visa options are still available?
          The subclass 457 visa has been replaced with the Subclass 482   Balance for better
          Temporary Skills Shortage (TSS) visa. The Employer Nomination
          Scheme and Regional Sponsored Migration Scheme skill exist,   Recovering from a week long celebration for International
          with different criteria.                               Women’s Day (because one day isn’t nearly enough), I
          Do I have to advertise the position?                   am feeling full, inspired and united. It is a privilege to be
          Yes. If you do not undertake labour market testing in the   surrounded by women who are changing their lives and
          required way, your application will be refused and this will result   the lives of those around them. Women who are leading
          in you losing not only the application charges,        the charge to raise the bar for all women. So what is all the
          but also the Skilling Australia Fund levy.             women’s business about?
          Can I sponsor an international student graduate?       Despite positive changes, gender inequality persists in our
          This all depends on how much work experience the student has.   community, restricting women’s full participation in the
          For the TSS visa, applicants must have a minimum       social, economic and cultural opportunities. 2018 figures
          of two years’ work experience while for the permanent residence   from the Australian Human Rights Commission indicate that
          visas, applicants must have a minimum of three years’ work   the gender divide right here in the lucky country is real, and
          experience.                                            alarming! Women are paid on average 15.3% less than our
                                                                 male counterparts and retire with 58% less superannuation. I
          Can I help one of my 457/TSS visa holders apply for permanent   don’t share these truths to get women burning their bras…
          residence?                                             I share in the hope that men and women will acknowledge
          This is a difficult question to answer and depends on a number   these difference, barriers and realities and collectively stand
          of factors. Before agreeing to assist any employee with an   united together and be the change.
          application for permanent residence, we recommend you obtain   Everyday women are coming together, creating communities
          advice about their eligibility.                        of support, understanding and a collective voice to advocate
          I need to sponsor an occupation which is not on the either of the   change on a broad level and nurture change at a personal
          two occupation lists, what can I do?                   level. I participated in one such community last year, called
          In this situation you may be able to apply for a company   a Lean In Circle. A circle of shared strength, learning and
          specific labour agreement in which you can negotiate with the   connection. Just like a rising tide lifts all boats, elevating other
          Department of Home Affairs the positions you need to fill.  women is actually an act of self-interest; it’s not so lonely at
          Alternatively, if your business operates in an area which has   the top if you bring others along.
          negotiated a Designated Area Migration Agreement, you may be   We all have different stories to tell, different experiences to
          able to access the skills you need under those arrangements.  share. And this applies to the fellas as well. We just need our
          Before embarking on your sponsorship journey, we recommend   own ‘circle’ to connect and share with. Who will you connect
          you obtain advice from a Registered Migration Agent.   with to raise the profile of women in Cairns?
          Understanding early what you can and cannot do will save you a   Invest in women. Invest in the future.
          giant headache.

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