Page 49 - Tropic Magazine Issue 17
P. 49


                   TROPIC HEALTH

                We’ve expanded our coverage of   funding announcements for our   you to be part of it.
                all things health and wellbeing   public hospital and increasing   Contact us if you’ve got some
                in Tropic, with a vision to be   demand for our research and   healthy news to share, or want
                the go-to platform for this vital   expertise in other parts of the   to find out how we can help
                sector in the Tropical North.   world. Our new health section   promote your healthrelated
                Health is our region’s biggest   will feature advice, news     brand or business.
                employer, and the city is entering  and profiles of practitioners,   Talk to Tim on 0418 671 379 or
                an exciting phase with major   businesses and trends. We’d love   email [email protected]

             Individual journey

              MATERNITY HEALTH

             A unique mix of luxury and comfort is
             proving increasingly popular at Cairns Private
             Hospital’s maternity unit.

             As a health service, you know you’re doing something
             right when expectant mums describe their maternity unit
             experience as “like taking a holiday”.
             That’s the type of feedback that Deanna Ward, a midwife
             and maternity services manager at Cairns Private Hospital,
             regularly receives.
             If mum’s the word, the response to the private hospital’s
             maternity services has been glowing.
             Featuring everything from education programs to partner   Jess & Jess, both Midwives at Cairns Private.
             facilities, themed birthing suites to candlelit dinners, Ms
             Ward said staff understood what women wanted during this   women who wish to use them to support alternative pain
             life-changing experience.                         relief, comfort and relaxation in labour.”
             “At Cairns Private Hospital, we understand that women   Themed birthing suites are also receiving praise from mums.
             want to feel empowered, informed, supported and reassured   Options include themes such as Reef, Sunset and Rainforest,
             throughout their pregnancy and birth journey,” she told   combining labouring pools, ambient sound, soothing
             Tropic. “We want to provide mums-to-be every opportunity   lighting and pleasant aromas for relaxation.
             to get to know us, as we get to know them individually. The   “Pregnancy, labour, birth and the postnatal period is an
             Know My Midwife program gives mums-to-be the very best   individual journey that is centred around the family,” Ms
             in Midwifery Continuity-of-Care through the coordination of   Ward said. ”Cairns Private Hospital collaborates with
             regular antenatal appointments, care in labour and birth and   specialists from a range of fields to provide excellent,
             postnatal care with our highly experienced Cairns Private   safe quality care. The Childbirth journey is a normal life
             KMM Midwives and Obstetricians. This gives mums the   experience that is enhanced by the care and service given
             opportunity to form meaningful and trusted relationships   at Cairns Private maternity services. Labour, birth and the
             with those who will be with you on your path to childbirth.”  postnatal period. Birth is best in an environment that women
             Proof of the services’ popularity is in the numbers. Cairns   feel safe and comfortable in, at Cairns Private Hospital we
             Private Maternity averages between 35 to 45 births per   provide women with a safe environment to birth.”
             month. Options such as maternity pools are an increasingly
             popular option for births.                          MORE: To get a tour of the Maternity Unit,
             “We support a woman’s choice through their child birthing   make a booking on 4052 5232.
             journey,” Ms Ward said. “Labouring pools are offered for

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