Page 46 - Tropic Magazine Issue 17
P. 46


           11 keys to the

           Cairns CBD

           Experienced planners Nikki
           Huddy and Sharon Harwood
           explore the key elements of the
           Cairns CBD.

              The Cairns CBD faces significant challenges.
              Retailers and restaurants are doing it tough and
              the streets lack greenery and vibrancy.
              Here’s what we can do to bring it back to life.

            1  Fine grain facades and        4   Diversity                    7   Line of sight
               active frontages
           They have a rhythm to them. A    This is really important. The more a city   Knowing where you are going and
                                                                             knowing that it is safe at different
                                            mingles everyday diversity of uses and
           consistent feel of 10-metre wide   users in its streets, the more its people   times of the day. Shields Street and
           window and frontages allows for   support well-located attractions.   the waterfront are examples of where
           activity and lots of it, inducing a   Rusty’s Markets and Grafton Street are   attention has been given to enhancing
           natural, continuing flow of life and   the best examples in our city.  the line of sight.
           use. There is huge value in eyes on the
           street; people in shops look out, people
           on the street look in. This creates   5  Time                      8   Legibility
           interest and can be entertaining. It   A crucial element to vitality in a CBD.   Makes it easy for people to
           attracts people. Grafton Street is a   Vibrant places are active from sunrise   understand the city’s layout. How
           great example of this.           to midnight, attracting different   many times do you see tourists on
                                            people at different times of the day,   corners trying to figure out where
            2  Dead frontages               week, and year. Think how differently   they are? The use of landmarks,
                                            office workers use the city compared   signage, art, and places of interest
           These turn their backs or blank sides   to tourists and families. When we get   allows differentiation of routes and
           on to the street and leave the city and   the mix of uses right there is activity   corners by designing them with
           the people blind. These areas are not   all day, every day. Rusty’s and Grafton   differing qualities of materials.
           interesting, often perceived as unsafe   Street are again the best examples.
           and usually are places you drive to.   The Esplanade and Lagoon area and
           Examples include parts of Cairns   Shields Street don’t quite have the mix   9  Robustness
           Central, the western side of Sheridan   of people across all time frames - yet!  Places that are used for many
           St  including state government offices,                           different purposes, offering their
           the police station and courthouse.
                                             6   Permeability                users more choice than places with
                                                                             a single fixed use. Consider how we
            3  Permanent residential        This means the measure of alternative   close streets for cultural events and
               accommodation                ways to navigate through the city.   the difference between active and
           Residential living is part of the   Laneways and foyers through   dead frontages.
           solution to parking and traffic due   buildings are local secrets and are fun
           to on-site parking. It also puts more   for visitors to discover.
           people on the footpath - looking,
           shopping, eating - creating vibrancy
           and helping out our small businesses.
           Locals living in the city use the city at
           all times of the day and evening.

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