Page 45 - Tropic Magazine Issue 17
P. 45


             Dynamic and relevant

              NEW THINKING
             A nation-leading faith
             program is being rolled out to
             secondary Catholic colleges in
             the Diocese of Cairns.

              As the Bishop of Cairns James Foley                              Speaking at the launch of the program in
              reflected on a society that is becoming                          February, Director of School Effectiveness
              increasingly self-absorbed, he recognised                        Dr Sally Towns said the new program
              that religious education needed to be                            was about providing opportunities and
              refreshed and modernised.                                        supporting young adults to be a light in
              Inspired by an address Pope Francis gave                         the world. Built on Catholic teachings,
              at World Youth Day in Rio de Janeiro,                            the framework helps students to make
              Brazil, in which the Pope told young                             meaning of their own life and live that life
              pilgrims to help “build a civilization of                        through positive action in the world.
              love”, Bishop Foley issued a challenge to                        Bill Dixon, Executive Director,
              senior leaders of Catholic Education to                          Catholic Education Services, sums up
              develop a dynamic and relevant program                           the new program.
              for students at secondary colleges.                              “We recognise that in a world that is
              Bishop Foley wanted students to                                  increasingly experiencing the hurt
              experience faith within the reality of   The components of the new program   of hate, violence against people, and
              their own life, while also calling them to   include scripture, Catholic Social   environmental degradation there is
              positive action in a way that is reflective   Teaching, Catholic worldview, other   an even greater need for young people
              of the Catholic social teachings.   religious experiences, worldviews   to benefit from a dynamic Secondary
              It was a forward-thinking, nation-  and Indigenous Spirituality, Catholic   Religious Education curriculum. Such
              leading challenge.              anthropology, ethics and morality,   a curriculum must be a vessel for
              The result of Bishop Foley’s challenge   religious identity and culture,   personal transformation that fosters
              is the Catholic Faith in Action (CFiA)   evangelisation and faith formation,   an intimate relationship with God,
              program, officially launched to all Year 11   prayer and worship, social justice    through the exploration of the Scriptures,
              students in the Diocese at St Augustine’s   and action.          participation in personal and communal
              College in February.            The program does not contribute to   prayer and the living out of Catholic social
              Bishop Foley explains. “The Catholic   a student’s Queensland Certificate of   and moral teaching.
              Faith in Action program framework   Education (QCE) or Australian Tertiary   It is my belief that Catholic Faith in Action
              was co-created by College and Catholic   Admission Rank (ATAR), however   provides a framework for our Colleges
              Education Services’ senior leaders, clergy   accountability measures are in place to   to provide a curriculum that is needed in
              and an external consultant, Professor   ensure meaningful participation and   modern times.”
              Brother David Hall FMS from the   achievement of the Year 12 Graduate
              Australian Catholic University,” Bishop   Expectations. Colleges will still offer
              Foley said. “It is my hope that this new   elective courses of religious study,
              expression of religious education in the   such as Study of Religion, Religion and
              Diocese of Cairns for students in their   Ethics and Certificate III/IV in Christian
              final years of Catholic Education will   Ministry and Theology, which may
              enhance their capacity to make meaning   contribute to a student’s QCE and ATAR.  To find out more about the
              in religious education, that they are able   Already, other dioceses across Australia   program and hear from students
              to relate it to their own life and positively   are seeking further information from   and staff about it, visit
              contribute in building a civilisation    Cairns Catholic Education as they look to
              of love.”                       replicate the intentions of the program.

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