Page 20 - Tropic Magazine Issue 17
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                                                                    Recently sold by Belle Property Cairns at Holloways Beach

           Agents View

           Belle Property Cairns
           Words Nicholas Slatyer
           As I write this at the tail end of the
           first quarter of 2019, it looks like
           we’ve had a very strong showing. The
           volume of sales has been extraordinary
           given that the first quarter of the year
           is traditionally our slowest. I was
           prepared for the worst given November
           and December was very flat for us and
           everyone else I spoke to.
           WHY ARE WE BUSY NOW?
           I think at the moment we have a
           meeting of the minds with our buyers
           and sellers. Sellers know that the   because of a report that read terribly.
           property market in general (across   The owners were horrified. We had it
           Australia) is softening and are accepting   checked and in total the repairs were
           of the prices we are getting. There are   just a few thousand dollars to rectify
           some schools of thought that maybe   but the buyer was spooked, and I
           we run counter-cyclical to the southern   couldn’t fix the situation. End result -
           markets and maybe that is what we    the buyer is without a very good house,   ON RENTAL VACANCY RATES...
           are seeing.                      the seller without their million dollars
           They say with golf that the good   and the building inspector got $500 and
           shots keep you coming back for more   rode off into the sunset.       Our latest survey results
           (with my swing, not a feeling I’ve   STYLE GUIDE
           experienced) and we had one of those   In what is still a competitive market   show that the trend
           sales this month. We just achieved   for sellers, we are seeing very positive   rental vacancy rates for
           the highest price since 2013 for a   results from styling and prepping of   December 2018 stood at
           residential property in Cairns. It’s a   homes for sale. I think the name of
           house in Holloways Beach that I sold   the game at the moment is to get the   1.3% for houses, 1.9% for
           almost 10 years ago for $3.7 million   house as close to perfect as possible.   units and 1.6% overall.
           and this sale, like that one, was pretty   Vanessa Robinson just basically re-  Coupled with the low
           straightforward. This property is one   invented a home that I thought might
           of those special ones that if it is what   be quite tricky to sell. The sellers   level of new rental supply
           you are after, you know you won’t get it   repainted the exterior (it was yellow),   being created due to very
           anywhere else.                   did a full interior styling, spruced up   low levels of new housing
           HARD YARDS                       the gardens… everything basically.   construction and reduced
           To the outside world, it must look like   The target was high $600,000s and at
           we put up an ad, do an open home   the first open house we had 18 groups   levels of investor housing
           or two, sign a contract and sit back   through, resulting in three offers and a   activity, rental market
           and relax. By my reckoning, I think   sale at well over $700,000.    conditions are expected to
           we do about 70% of our “sales” work   Still, it is a tricky market. Great results
           after the contract is signed. One of the   mixed with some not so great.   stay tight and/or stressed
           biggest issues for the uninitiated is the                                  for some time.
           building and pest report. The amount   MORE: Contact Nicholas
           of time we spend running around   on 0409 002 233 or
           sorting out (generally) mundane issues   visit
           is incredible. Every house, even new                                          Rick Carr,
           ones, has stuff on a report. Late last                                    Herron Todd White
           year we lost a contact at over $1 million

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