Page 59 - Tropic Magazine Issue 25
P. 59


             Boundless                                                          two years trading as an online nursery
                                                                                creating custom succulent arrangements
             connection                                                         and hosting numerous workshops,
                                                                                the sisters decided to open their own
                                                                                nursery/coffee shop in a permanent
              UMI ARTS
                                                                                location. “Aiming to target customers
             After a period of closure due to                                   with a busy lifestyle, we focused on
             the COVID-19 pandemic, UMI                                         easy to maintain plants like succulents
                                                                                and cacti as well as plant styling using
             Arts’ Jensen Street Gallery has                                    a variety of indoor plants,” Marichu
             reopened to the public.          has cemented UMI Arts position as an   said. “Recently we have branched out
                                              essential service to the local Indigenous
             To celebrate, UMI Arts recently hosted   community as an art incubator for
             the annual Freshwater Saltwater   budding and emerging artist as well
             exhibition, a collection of more than   as providing support to local and
             30 works showcasing spiritual and   regional artists.
             physical connection to country. The 2020
             Freshwater Saltwater exhibition marks   MORE:
             UMI Arts’ 15th anniversary.
             Responding to this year’s theme
             “Boundless”, the work of 13 artists spans
             from lino cut, digital and fabric screen   Urban oasis             into styling events and weddings with
             prints to acrylic on canvas, watercolours,                         our arrangements. These days we are
             ceramics, softwood rainforest timber   SUCCULIVING                 literally spoilt for choice when it comes
             shields and firemakers. Check it out    Awesome coffee, gorgeous   to purchasing plants. By teaming
               To revel in our
             until September 8 at UMI Arts’ Jensen                              plants with their pot or vessel, we make
              “miss  chievous”
             Plaza Gallery.                   plants and good vibes.            choosing your new ‘plant possè’ a whole
            affair for your next                                                lot easier.”
             COVID-19 has given UMI Arts time to
            special event email               What’s not to love about Succuliving?
             reset and re-evaluate their operations
             [email protected]               Now located in a bigger space on Severin   VISIT: 300 Severin St, Parramatta
             and re-invest in artists by giving them
             opportunities to showcase their artworks   St, sisters Smilyn and Marichu share a   Park or search “Succuliving” on
             in a variety of exhibitions. COVID-19   passion for design and plants. With this   Facebook and Instagram.
                                              passion they started Succuliving and after



                                          Bar & Eatery

                To revel in our “miss  chievous” affair for your next special soirée, email [email protected]

            Level 1, Corner Lake & Spence Street • 0411 828 953                             misschiefbar
            Open Thursday, Friday & Saturday Only • Bookings Essential                      misschiefcairns

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