Page 63 - Tropic Magazine Issue 25
P. 63


            Q & A

            Aaron Gandecha
            Physio at PhyxMe

            Why did you choose physiotherapy as a
            When I was 14, I ruptured the ACL in
            my left knee. My injury was managed
            conservatively (without surgery) and
            the rehab process required a lot of

            rehabilitative exercise and physio.

            Do you have a special area of interest?
            I’m passionate about treating overuse
            injuries in athletes, particularly in the
            shoulder. Overuse injuries can be caused
            by a number of variables including form,
                                                 High potential                 athletes.
            training load, frequency, type, hormonal                            injury-prevention for high-performing
            enjoy comprehensively assessing to                                  PhyxMe physiotherapist Aaron Gandecha
            identify the cause and creating a bespoke   SPORTING TALENT         has been working closely with Talent
            rehabilitation program.              PhyxMe Physiotherapy           Support Program coaches and players
                                                                                since 2019 on injury prevention and
            Tell us about your most challenging case   is proud to be Football   treatment, as well as advising on
            or client…                           Queensland’s physio of choice
            I actually encountered my most       for its young talent program.   mitigate injuries. Aaron attends weekly
            challenging clients working as a                                    training and travels with the group
            neurological physiotherapist on a sub-  High potential football players from   to competitions providing pitch-side
            acute stroke unit in the UK. One patient   across the Cairns region have been
            I worked with progressed from not being   selected for Football Queensland’s   aims to increase players awareness and
            able to sit up in bed to walking with a                             comfort about seeking early treatment
            stick in six weeks.                                                 for any injuries or concerns.
                                                 under-13 to 16 age group to train and   Aaron played an active role in the 2019
            Favourite sporting moment?           compete against other elite teams   season implementing aspects of the FIFA
            As an Englishman it would have to be   throughout Queensland as part of the   11+ program, which has been shown in
            “Super Saturday” at the London Olympic   “Quad Series” - designed as a pathway to   studies to reduce injury rates in young
            Games when Jessica Ennis-Hill, Mo Farah   state selection.          football players by up to 70%.
            and Greg Rutherford all won gold medals   For the second year, PhyxMe
            for the heptathlon, 5000 metres and long   Physiotherapy is proud to be working   BONUS
            jump, in the space of 44 minutes!    with this group of talented junior   Football Queensland members are
                                                 football players. As part of the Allsports   entitled to 10% off Physiotherapy and
            Personal mantra.                     Group, PhyxMe is the preferred physio   Massage services at PhyxMe.
            Always be the hardest worker in the room.   provider for Football Queensland
                                                 and their physios are experienced in
                                                 managing the sports rehabilitation and   MORE:

            ISO-LATED INJURIES                                                            However, by
                                                                                          far the most
            Amidst the chaos of the COVID-19                                              amusing and
            lockdown and self-isolation                                                   unique injury was a grade II
            we have heard some feel good                                                  MCL injury to a knee during
            stories of families reconnecting                                              “adult cuddles”.
            and enjoying quality time     Several acute   Shoulder       Multiple stress   We are pleased to report
            together. With this came some   low back pain   injuries from   injuries and a   they are progressing well
            daring home renovations and   episodes from   home gym       stress fracture   through their rehab program
            landscaping projects as well as   landscaping  programs      from running loads  and on the way to full return
            new exercise commitments. We                                                  to “sport”!
            have seen:

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