Page 64 - Tropic Magazine Issue 25
P. 64


           Inspector of


            AN ODD JOB
           Tropic’s regional history
           column takes a look back at a
           unique council role.                                                                           2

           Words: Nicky Horstmann
           Whilst it sounds like a job associated   Publication of the minutes of a Council   improving the behaviour in Norman
           with running schools, in the early days   Meeting in the local newspaper reveals   Park (now Munro Martin Park) on
           of Cairns this official appointment   some of the matters that the then   Sundays and the scavenging rates to be
           went to a jack-of-all trades employed   Inspector of Nuisances, Thomas Lennox   charged to Government buildings.
           by the local municipal authority.   Seaton, had to deal with. The following   My favourite, however, is the very public
           The role of the Inspector of Nuisances   are extracts from the Morning Post on   listing of some 25 local businesses that
           was extremely diverse, including   the 17th October 1902:         were flaunting the laws with signage,
           overseeing and controlling health and                             awnings and other obstacles hanging
           sanitation, drainage, and pests of all   “The report of the Inspector of Nuisances   too low over footpaths. Talk about name
           types.                           was as follows: -                and shame!
           This officer was also called upon                                 At the very same meeting, The Inspector
           to inspect buildings and lodging   • Clause 1 – The street gas lamps have   of Nuisances also had to report on his
           houses, control matters concerning   been well attended to during the month.   investigation into a complaint lodged by
           public behaviour, street lighting and   • Clause 2 – Traffic has been well   prominent businessperson Robt. Sturt
           so much more. To cap it all off, the   conducted.                 concerning “a stench arising from the
           Inspector of Nuisances was also in   • Clause 4 – The sanitary contract has   drain at the intersection of Abbott and
           charge of the pound.             been well carried out. A few complaints   Shields streets.” Mr Sturt wanted to
           Based on the models that were    have been made that have received   avoid “an outbreak of enteric fever.”
           adopted in Britain during the mid-  attention.                    Mr Seaton’s response was that “...he had
           nineteenth century, it’s likely that   • Clause 5 – Three persons have been   noticed no smell there. The drain was
           there was an Inspector of Nuisances   summoned and fines for obstructing the   flushed out every day by the Imperial
           role created here as early as 1879,   footpaths.”                 Hotel.” In a move that best reflected that
           when the Cairns Divisional Board was                              discretion truly was the better part of
           established. Certainly, when the Local   Further clauses refer to the findings on   valour, the councillors decided that this
           Divisional Boards Act was passed   the unsuitability of certain premises   was a matter best left in the hands of the
           in 1885, and the Cairns Municipal   to be registered as boarding houses,   Mayor!
           Council took over the reins, the role   the successful implementation of the
           would have been mandated.        Council’s instructions with regard to   1.  An old newspaper tearsheet from the time
                                                                              2. Cairns circa 1912

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