Page 54 - Tropic Magazine Issue 25
P. 54


           COUCH’s Top 10

           Tropic takes a look at the top
           10 highlights of Far North
           Queensland’s homegrown
           charity COUCH and the                                                                                 1
           COUCH Wellness Centre.

           With a proud history and a passion   2  LOCAL CHARITY SINCE 2006
           for delivering better cancer health   Since its inception nearly 15 years
           services in the Cairns region, local   ago, COUCH’s mission is to ensure
           charity COUCH and its COUCH      accessibility to best quality cancer care
           Wellness Centre have come a long   and services for the people of Far North
           way since the first campaign was   Queensland. The Charity’s first major
           launched in 2006. To celebrate   project was the Liz Plummer Cancer
           COUCH’s success – and vision for   Care Centre, followed by the opening of
           the future – Tropic spoke to the   the COUCH Cancer Wellness Centre in
                                            2019. All money raised and donated to
           COUCH team to highlight their    the charity stays in the local community
           achievements and services.       for local services.               3  WHAT’S IN A LOGO?

            1  LIZ PLUMMER CANCER                                            To mark the next phase of the COUCH
               CARE CENTRE                                                   charity and the opening of the COUCH
                                                                             Wellness Centre, the COUCH branding
           When the Liz Plummer Cancer Care                                  and logo was refreshed in 2018 to better
           Centre welcomed its first patient for                             reflect its breadth of services and update
           treatment on 27 June 2011, it was the                             its symbolism. Designed by Tropic
           culmination of years of campaigning,                              Studio, the refreshed branding works
           fundraising and lobbying by COUCH                                 on a variety of levels. Each colour in the
           and the community. Named in honour                                COUCH charity logo reflects a service
           of Liz Plummer who shared her cancer                              or project delivered by the charity – the
           journey with the public and crystallised                          Wellness Centre is the blue and green
           the need for radiation treatment in                               element of the charity’s logo, for example.
           Cairns, the drive for better services                             While the two swirls of the logo represent
           was spearheaded by COUCH Charity                                  an embrace – neatly encapsulated in
           Founders, Charles and Pip Woodward.                               the curve of a C for COUCH, it is also
           Thousands of patients who would                                   interpreted as a listening ear – something
           normally have to travel to Townsville                             the staff at COUCH Wellness Centre are
           and beyond for treatment are now able                             renowned for.
           to receive treatment and care locally.                        2

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