Page 57 - Tropic Magazine Issue 25
P. 57


             Lizzy Higham
             I am an interior stylist, mama of two,
             colour lover and a big fan of pattern
             clashing! It has been said that I was born
             with rainbows in my blood and I express   Hyaesil Gilligan
             this in every inch of my home. Since   LOW RISE BUILDING DESIGNER AND
             owning my own home this has enabled   INTERIOR DESIGNER/STYLIST
             me to paint colour on my walls, add   I have always been drawn to minimalism   @liamgilliganbuilders
             beautiful artworks, quirky decor items   and sharp lines, with a handful of
             and pattern clash everything I own!   materials to enhance the simple form
             Anything and everything colourful   of a home. For exterior and interior
             inspires me - I am obsessed with colour.   colours, I’m drawn to the drama of strong
             My husband says that “I am happiest   monochromes. I also love pops of colours,
             when I have a paintbrush in my hand”.   patterns and varying textures, which I
             Colour brings so much joy into my home   introduce strategically to create a stylish   Choosing the right
             and that is all I need to create a happy   home with enough points of difference   shade of white for
             place for my family and I.       throughout the space to create a warm   your home
                                              and inviting feeling. The most effective
                                              way to inject these colours, patterns   There is no doubt that white is the
                                              and textures is through a combination   most popular choice for interiors.
                                              of furniture, homewares, artworks and   But what shade is perfect for
                  Colour is a power           plants, which synergise to create a well-  you? When looking at the 80 or so
                    which directly            balanced and stylish home.         different shades you can easily
                                                                                 fall into a blackhole of confusion,
                                              Let me ask you something - what is your
                  influences the soul         style? Are you not quite sure? Why not   with no idea what to choose. Do
                                              check your countless saved Pinterest   not fear! Here are some handy
                                Wassily                                          hints for choosing your perfect
                                Kandinsky     images? Take a good look at them and
                                              you might be surprised to realise how   shade of white.
                                              similar they are to one another. I’m   Firstly, think about what tones
             If you are not into painting colour on   confident that this will help you define   you want… warm whites or cool
             your walls, start by introducing artwork,   your particular style. Once you focus on   whites?
             floor rugs and cushions - these are   this aesthetic you will also save money   Warm whites often carry subtle
             great interchangeable ways of slowly   by avoiding impulse buying items just   pink or yellow undertones. These
             introducing colour into your home. My   because they are pretty or cheap.  variations invite a relaxed warmth
             artwork inspires the colours I choose   Now that you’ve heard from Lizzy, Jaz   into your home and can help
             to paint my walls. I love to use bold   and I about how we use colours and   soften spaces that don’t get a
             bright colours and paint furniture in a   styling, I hope you have read something   lot of sun. My choices for warm
             contrasting colour to make a statement   that inspired you to make your home a   whites are Natural White and
             piece in every room. It has taken me two   beautiful oasis!         Antique White by Dulux.
             years to get where I am now, but that is                            Cool whites are great for adding
             the thing with interiors: a room/space                              a modern or minimalistic edge to
             takes time to evolve.              @liamgilliganbuilders            a space. They often carry blue or
             If ever in doubt about using colour in                              grey undertones and are useful
             your home, just remember it doesn’t                                 for tempering bright light. These
             matter whether it be colourful, warm or                             colours are softer to the eye
             cool hues. If you love something, it will                           and will give you a feeling of a
             always work! Stop putting rules on how                              larger space within the room.
             to decorate your home - make it your                                My choices for cool whites are
             home and live in it however you please.                             Lexicon half and White on White
             Don’t believe in the saying: “blue and                              by Dulux.
             green should never be seen unless there
             is something in between”. Blue and green
             look fabulous together!                                             MORE:

               @lizzyhigham_interiorstyling     @liamgilliganbuilders
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