Page 55 - Tropic Magazine Issue 25
P. 55



             Built on land donated by the Woodward
             family, the site of the COUCH Wellness
             Centre is a surprising pocket of
             tranquility in the heart of Cairns.
             Nestled in rainforest off Reservoir Rd,
             the Wellness Centre is an accessible,
             beautifully designed series of buildings
             with plenty of parking, private consult
             rooms, a gymnasium, conference    7  JOINING THE WELLNESS
             facilities and more. The Centre is open   CENTRE
             Monday to Friday, 8.30am-4.30pm
             and all community members are    The COUCH Wellness Centre supports
             encouraged to drop in and find out   people newly diagnosed with cancer,                             4
             more information.                during treatment, post treatment
                                              and up to five years after completing
                                              treatment. For those choosing no   9  QUALIFIED STAFF
                                              treatment pathway, the Wellness Centre
                                              is here to help too. Family members   The COUCH Wellness Centre has been
                                              can also join the service and benefit   blessed with highly skilled oncology and
                                              from group activities, exercise classes,   chronic disease specialists, all working
                                              therapies and nursing assistance. No   together to support the best outcomes
                                              referral is needed to join.       for clients. From on-site staff to visiting
                                                                                practitioners offering a range of care
                                                8  AFFORDABLE COST OF           services, the COUCH Wellness Centre
                                                   SERVICES                     team is passionate about providing
                                                                                the highest quality health, well-being
               5  A SPECIAL PLACE OF HEALING  When the COUCH charity was        and lifestyle support for Far North
                                              established in 2006, a guiding principle   Queenslander’s diagnosed and living
             The land on which the COUCH Wellness   was the need to offer affordable   with cancer.
             Centre is situated lies within the Yidinji   cancer care for those who needed
             tribal lands, spiritually connected to   it. The financial burden of cancer is
             the Dreamtime story of Djumbunji,   often significant with many ongoing
             The Scorpion. The story explains how   expenses. At the COUCH Wellness
             the land is one of healing and renewal   Centre, health consultations and
             of life; now a special place to promote   therapies are heavily subsidised or at
             wellness for those living with cancer.  no cost, plus most group classes are by
                                              donation only. This provides the very
              6  SUPPORTIVE CANCER CARE       best of care at a price people can afford.
             The array of services and support at the
             COUCH Wellness Centre is wide and
             comprehensive. The team of nurses,                                 10 LOCALS HELPING LOCALS
             allied health and therapists focus on
             maintaining client’s health and well-                              Volunteers are the lifeblood of charity
             being during and after treatment for                               organisations like COUCH. Gifting
             cancer. Whether assistance is needed                               their time and expertise to support the
             for physical, mental, practical or social                          local community, COUCH volunteers
             needs, the team can help navigate what                             are active in a myriad of roles from
             living with cancer means. Talk to the                              the volunteer Board of Directors to
             Wellness Centre about your individual                              supporters of the Wellness Centre.
             needs.                                                             Volunteering with COUCH is all about
                                                                                how you can connect to the things you
                                                                                love doing and are passionate about.
                                                                                Build your skill set, meet new people,
                                                                                engage in your community or give
                                                                                back to a cause that you value: there
                                                                                are plenty of opportunities that match
                                              1.  Pip and Michael Woodward      the reason why you choose to volunteer
                                              2. Liz Plummer                    your time with COUCH.
                                              3. COUCH Chair Ron Holden
                                              4. COUCH Wellness Centre’s GM, Kelli Beardsmore
                                              5. COUCH co-founder, the late Charles Woodward

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