Page 29 - Tropic Magazine Issue 25
P. 29


                                                                               16 Cairns Manufacturing Hub
                                                                                   This State Government-led
                                                                                   initiative has flown under the
                                                                                   radar, but there’s a good story to
                                                                                   tell. The Cairns Hub is located at
                                                                                   the TAFE campus in Cairns, with a
                                                                                   focus on boosting and supporting
                                                                                   sectors such as marine, aviation
                                                                                   and food manufacturing. Local
                                                                                   manufacturers in the greater Cairns
                                                                                   region can tap into $4.5 million in
                                                                                   funding for technology adoption,
                                                                                   skills and training, and business
                                                                                   development. Manufacturing is a
                                                                                   surprisingly vibrant contributor
                                                                                   to our regional economy, with the
                                                                                   sector pumping almost $790 million
                                                                                   into the Queensland economy in
                                                                                   2017-18 and employing around 6400
                                                                                   people. News of the Hub’s success
                                                                                   is hard to come by, however. If the
                                                                                   Hub is achieving good results, the
                                                                                   Government shouldn’t be afraid to
             12  Progress on the              14  Yes, tourists will               spruik it.
                 Wangetti Trail                   come back
                 Tasmania has shown how lucrative   Our desire to travel, explore and take
                 the mountain biking scene can be,   a break will outlast and overcome
                 but now it’s our turn.  The Wangetti   the impact of coronavirus. We know
                 Trail, a vision of local legend Glen   international visitation is some way
                 Jacobs, will be a 94km boon for   off – no-one can predict how long it
                 the region, attracting visitors to   will take to resume and recover – so
                 a dual use walking and mountain   in the meantime we’ve got to grab
                 biking track from Port Douglas   our fair share of domestic tourists
                 to Palm Cove. Winding through    instead, as well as explore our own
                 World Heritage-listed coastal and   backyard with holidays at home. Our
                 hinterland scenery, the Wangetti   tourism infrastructure and army
                 Trail will be a significant asset to the   of operators are strong enough to
                 region. Tenders went out in June for   bounce back. Early signs since the re-
                 $9 million worth of works to build a   opening of the Queensland border on
                 31km stretch of the track from Palm   July 10 are positive for the industry,
                 Cove to Wangetti. Forecasts suggest   with more to come as aviation
                 the trail will create up to 150 jobs and   activity ramps up.
                 inject up to $300 million into the
                 regional economy in future years.   15  City Deal for Cairns  17  We live in paradise
                 Pedal power, indeed. The project is on   Who knows where this Federal   We’ve said it before, and we’ll keep
                 track for a late-2022 opening.   Government policy is at in the fog   saying it here at Tropic: We really
                                                  of COVID-19? Designed to get all   are blessed to live in paradise.
             13 Cairns Hospital upgrades          three levels of government on the   More vibrant than other regional
                 There’s a push to upgrade Cairns   same page, the City Deal program is   centres (have you been to Townsville
                 Hospital to level 6 tertiary status,   the mechanism Townsville utilised   recently?) and less congested than
                 enabling it to become Cairns     to fund its rectangular stadium,   capital cities, we’ve also got good
                 University Hospital. This would   among other projects. Cairns wants   schools, affordable housing, an
                 mean a range of additional services   to be next in line, so the push for our   international airport, diverse food
                 and surgical capacity, more training   own City Deal is still on the agenda.   and bar scene and a hospital that
                 spots for medical students and   A little-known council report on   continues to improve and upgrade
                 more employment opportunities    the City Deal subject, published   its services. Add in our beautiful
                 for health professionals. There’s just   in October last year, wanted the   natural environment, from the Reef
                 one sticking point to realising the   agreement signed in the second   and beaches to rainforests, and
                 vision, however: more funding from   quarter of this year. Coronavirus   you’d agree that our liveability here
                 the State Government is required. In   rendered that hopeful timeline   is second to none. Despite the many
                 a fortuitous fluke of timing, there’s   redundant. Reigniting the push    challenges posed by COVID-19,
                 a state election happening this   for a Cairns City Deal will be   sometimes we need to kick back
                 October. Let’s hope it’s high on the   important to our economic recovery   and remind ourselves how great this
                 priority list of both major parties.  going forward.              place called home truly is.

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