Page 24 - Tropic Magazine Issue 25
P. 24


           How has the

           Cairns economy
           fared during the

           COVID-19 crisis?

           Words: Pete Faulkner, CONUS
           Since the impacts of COVID-19 began   The labour market in        Jobs Market
           hitting home, our economy has changed                             The labour market in Cairns went into
           enormously. Staying abreast of these   Cairns went into this      this crisis in relatively good shape with
           changes has been a constant struggle;   coronavirus crisis in     the unemployment rates a little over
           not only has reliable data been difficult                         5% early in the year. However, with
           to secure but analysing it in such volatile   relatively good shape  an estimated 22,000 people receiving
           times has been challenging. Since we are                          JobKeeper in our region and another
           now more than three months into the                Pete Faulkner,    16,000 receiving Centrelink payments,
           effects of the pandemic, it seems like a           CONUS          it is clear that the story has changed
           good time to pull together some of that                           dramatically. We estimate that the
           analysis.                        and by March this visitor segment was   unemployment rate in Cairns could get
                                            down nearly 30% from a year earlier.
           National Overview                International and domestic tourism was   as high as 10.5% in the third quarter and
           Treasury and the Reserve Bank are   almost non-existent from March to June,   may struggle to get much below double
           suggesting that the Australian economy   but anecdotal evidence suggests that   digits by the end of the year even if some
           is set to contract by about 5 - 6% during   since the intrastate travel restrictions   form of revised JobKeeper is announced
           2020. Most of that decline will have come   were eased and the Queensland border   by the Government.
           in the second quarter of the year as the   opened there has been a solid pick-up in   Other tourism-reliant regions such as
           economy hibernated in full lock-down   domestic arrivals. Getting planes back   the Gold and Sunshine Coasts are also
           mode and recovery could end up looking   into the sky and landing in Cairns will   set to see significant downturns with
           more like a Nike ‘swoosh’ than a classic   be crucial to ensuring domestic tourism   unemployment there possibly getting as
           V-shape. However, we are starting to   can recover as quickly and as effectively   high as Cairns, although here we expect
           see something of a recovery across the   as possible. It appears unlikely that   to see a rather faster recovery as domestic
           nation as people begin to find jobs again   international tourism will return in any   tourism plays a more central role.
           (June saw more than 210,000 added to   shape until the end of 2021 at the earliest.  Nevertheless, both these regions are likely
           employment) but the unemployment                                  to perform worse than state or national
           rate remains high at 7.4%. JobKeeper is                           averages.
           distorting this data and it seems clear                           Economic Outlook
           that were it not for this initiative the true
           unemployment rate would be                                        Our estimate is that the Cairns economy
           much higher.                                                      will contract by between 7 - 8% this year
           Impact in Cairns                                                  and be one of the worst hit regions in the
                                                                             State. It could take up to four years to
           In Cairns, we started to suffer from                              get back to where we were before
           the effects of COVID-19 early. Chinese                            COVID-19 struck.
           tourist numbers into our region, which                  
           had already been in a slow decline since                           MORE:
           2016, fell sharply during the first quarter

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