Page 33 - Tropic Magazine Issue 25
P. 33


                                                                                     Janina Harding
                                                                                     CIAF Artistic Director

                                             2                                       What does CIAF mean to you
                                                    Q&A                              personally and to the broader
                                             3                                       community in 2020?
                                                    Nicole Chatfield                 CIAF is important to me as
                                                    Designer for fashion             it’s providing our artists and
                                                    performance “Water is Sacred”    communities with a sense of pride
                                                                                     and cultural identity. It is a great
                                                    What does CIAF mean to you       platform for our mob to share
                                                    personally and to the broader    their stories and lived experiences.
                                                    community in 2020?               Through the various presentations
                                                    For me personally it’s an        and events, the new platform
                                                    opportunity to showcase a        will retain all the excitement
                                                    Yirrganydji perspective and      and inclusiveness that engaged
                                                    to let the broader community     audiences in a pre-COVID-19
                                                    know that we have a cultural     physical event, only this time
                                                    practice and a traditional history   around the audience will have a
                                                    here in Cairns.                  inclusive insight into artists and
                                                                                     their communities.
                                                    What are the new opportunities
                                                    you see for the festival and for   What are the new opportunities
                                                    artists with the pivot to digital?  you see for the festival and for
                                                    Having a digital platform, the   artists with the pivot to digital?
                                                    festival can provide access      It’s like we’ve opened up a whole
                                                    to a state, national and global   new world of opportunities for
                                                    audience. The arts industry and   artists, curators and communities
                                                    tourism play a massive role in   to create their own virtual content.
                                                    supporting the economy and       We are broadening our capacity
                                                    Aboriginal and Torres Strait     to enhance sales and further
                                                    Islander creatives maintain their   promote artists. When CIAF
                                                    cultural expression in north     returns to delivering a physical
                                                    Queensland which includes        event, livestreams and videos
                                                    the Gulf, Cape and Torres Strait   will continue to be produced for
                                                    Island communities.              the CIAF website, ensuring that
                                                                                     audiences can continue to access
                                                    What are you most looking        artists and communities.
                                                    forward to seeing at this year’s   What are you most looking
                                                    event?                           forward to seeing at this year’s
                                                    Each program will offer          event?
                                                    something new and exciting
                                                    for every Aboriginal and Torres   I know that everyone who has
                                                    Strait Islander visual and       contributed has an amazing gift
                                                    performance creative, their      of talent. I’m really excited by the
                                                    communities and audiences but    diversity of the virtual program
                                                    I’d especially love to see how   and that we are able to share it
                                                    powerful each designer’s pieces   with the world. Given that we are
                                                    turned out and the opportunity   all experiencing uncertain times,
                                                    to have my pieces curated by     I’m curious to see the response
                                                    Bernard Singleton and Simone     we receive nationally and from the
                                                    Arnol for CIAF’s 2020 fashion    wider world regarding Queensland
                                                    performance, Water is Sacred.    First Peoples’ arts and cultures.

                                                 1.  3M Pride
                                                 2. Obery Sambo
                                                 3. Nicole Chatfield Collection
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