Page 27 - Tropic Magazine Issue 25
P. 27


                Bright lights

                 ECONOMIC RECOVERY
                Tropic’s list of 17 reasons to
                be positive about the Cairns

                Yes, there’s a lot to deal with right
                now. The coronavirus pandemic
                has up ended our lives, hitting our   2  Council’s Gallery Precinct  4 JobKeeper extended
                businesses and dominating the     There’s $1.5 million in this year’s   This is a big one for our city. Data
                news cycle for the past 6 months. The   Cairns Regional Council budget to   released in June showed a staggering
                uncertainty challenges our resolve   finish refurbishment work at the   3,600 businesses in Cairns are
                to remain upbeat, to see the light   Courthouse building on Abbott St,   claiming JobKeeper, the highest rate
                at the end of the long tunnel. As a   due for completion in November.   of any Queensland postcode and
                counterpoint to all that, however,   That’s a precursor to Mayor Bob   the fifth highest in the country. New
                we know good things are happening   Manning’s grand plan to create an   arrangements will be in place after
                all around us. To remind us that it’s   integrated Gallery Precinct in that   September 27.
                                                  pocket of the CBD, incorporating
                not all doom and gloom right now,   the art gallery and old Mulgrave
                the Tropic team has unearthed 17   Shire building. While council hopes
                things to look forward to in the local   the State and Federal Governments
                economy and give our confidence   will chip in about $13 million each
                levels a much-needed kick in the   to create the $40 million project,
                process. Our advice? Read the list,   Cr Manning announced during the
                reflect and carry on.             local government election campaign
                                                  in March that council would go it
                                                  alone if the other tiers of government
                                                  refuse to stump up the cash. The
                                                  clock is ticking – let’s see what
                                                  unfolds over the next few months.
                                                                               5   Potential for population
                                               3 State election promises           growth
                                                  The state electorates of Cairns and   Now that we know we can all work
                                                  Barron River will be a hot contest in   from home, coupled with widespread
                                                  the state election on October 31, so   concern about living in congested
              1  Botanica sales are               we can expect some decent promises   capital cities, there’s a unique
                powering ahead                    and project commitments from both   opportunity to supercharge our
                This $90 million over-50s residential   sides of the political ledger over the   population. A bigger residential base
                development continues to record   next few months. State finances have   would benefit us all and set our city
                strong sales while construction   of course taken a battering due to   on a course towards a self-sufficient
                activity is buzzing at the Caravonica   COVID-19 – not to mention the fact   economy. Cairns needs to present its
                site. Botanica demonstrates the huge   that the Budget bottom line wasn’t   case to people living in Sydney and
                potential for Cairns to attract    awesome before that - so it will be   Melbourne and entice them north
                baby boomers and empty nesters    intriguing to see what dollars are   to our tropical paradise. We’ve got it
                with high-quality, beautifully    promised for our region.         all here – we just need to get people
                designed developments.                                             down south to realise it too.

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