Page 28 - Tropic Magazine Issue 25
P. 28


                                                                         10  Vision to double FNQ's high
                                                                             value food exports by 2030
                                                                             It’s been talked about ad infinitum.
                                                                             Yes, there’s a renewed push to ramp
                                                                             up our agricultural exports out of
                                         8  $50 million CQU Cairns           Cairns Airport. At least now there’s
                                            campus                           a comprehensive strategy document
                                            This is a no-brainer. Despite the   with a view to making it happen.
                                            barrage of COVID-related hits to the   In a recent report titled Export 2030
                                                                             – delivering fresh food fast authored by
       6   Cairns Maritime                  university sector in recent months,   KPMG, with the input of
                                            the growth of CQUniversity over the
           Precinct upgrades                past eight years has been bold and   FNQ business leaders, key enablers
           There’s a lot of potential for growth   impressive. The just-released plan   have been identified to help double
           in the Cairns maritime industry.   for a purpose-built campus at the   high-value FNQ food exports from
                                                                             Cairns Airport to $120 million by
           From upgrades at HMAS Cairns     old Post Office site on Grafton St will
           to significant investments by    cater to more than 4000 students   2030. The strategy calls for some
                                                                             obvious, long touted enablers: secure
           companies like BSE Maritime      by 2030 and support more than 300   new flights and new airlines, utilise
           Solutions, there’s a lot for the city to   jobs. CQUniversity Vice-Chancellor
           look forward to on the waterfront. As   Professor Nick Klomp said the   existing and future airport facilities
                                                                             and improve regional infrastructure
           Justin Parer from BSE puts it: “BSE   “major infrastructure project would
           is extremely optimistic about the   inject over $500 million into the   such as water and roads. Now, to
                                                                             manifest the words in a report into
           future of the Cairns Marine Precinct.   Cairns regional economy over the   tangible results.
           We have invested heavily already   next 10 years, in the form of jobs,
           and are looking at the next stage of   local procurement and student
           expansion which will deliver over $50   expenditure”. Now, we just need the
           million of infrastructure. When built,   Federal Government to stump up the
           that infrastructure will need skilled   $50 million in cash.
           trades people to support it and we are
           going to be investing in our people.
           It is easily conceivable that we will
           quadruple in staff size and be directly
           employing over 400 people here in
           Cairns. Exciting times.” Cairns also
           needs to get louder about being
           Northern Australia’s leading strategic                         11  Biggest capital works
           naval port in light of escalating                                 expenditure in Cairns
           territorial tensions in the South                                 Regional Council history
           China Sea. The Federal Government   9  Re-opening of Cairns
           says the total committed spend for   Convention Centre            Despite some financial woes caused
           HMAS Cairns is $635 million over the                              by COVID-19 pandemic, Cairns
           next decade. Bring it on.        Putting aside some controversy over   Regional Council’s 2020-21 Budget
                                            this project, the $176 million upgrade   contained a record $181 million
        7  Local home building boost        to the Cairns Convention Centre   capital works program, the biggest
           By all accounts, the home building   looks splendid. Delivering an extra   in its history. The spending includes
           industry has ticked along at     10,000 sq/m of meeting, banquet and   $60 million for water and waste
           a reasonable rate during the     exhibition space, the redevelopment   infrastructure, $43.5 million for
           coronavirus pandemic. Stimulus   will be delivered in two stages. First   improvements to the city’s transport
           spending to encourage new home   stage: a refurbishment of the existing   and drainage network and $28
           builds has been a massive help.   Centre, including the Auditorium,   million for the Esplanade Dining
           Eligible first home buyers can access   Arena and existing meeting rooms.   Precinct project, among other
           up to $45,000 in grants until the end   Second stage: This is the expansion   projects. Council says approximately
           of the year. Vacancy rates remain   phase, with new spaces available to   90% of its capital works expenditure
           tight in Cairns and interest rates will   event planners in early 2022. They say   is spent locally on employment,
           stay at record lows, so there should   it’ll bring 20,000 extra visitors to the   materials and services, so it’s a
           be a pipeline of people needing new   region and inject up to $50 million   significant economic boost over the
           homes over coming years.         into the local economy annually.   next 12 months.

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