Page 34 - Tropic Magazine Issue 25
P. 34



         CIAF general manager Darrell Harris
         said the organisation is committed
         to keeping CIAF and Far Northern
         Indigenous Arts at the forefront as both
         a national and global trend setter.
         “To do this, we need to shore up those
         important relationships with artists,
         arts centres and community on a local   2
         and national level,” he said. “Our aim
         is to present CIAF to the world as an
         artistic and cultural showcase event of   Q&A
         Queensland’s First Peoples spanning all   Arone Meeks
         of the arts. This is fundamental to the   Artist
         meaning and inclusiveness of CIAF as
         a meeting place, a market place and a   What does CIAF mean to you personally and to the broader community in 2020?
         community ‘movement’.”                CIAF to me is a creative and informative way to showcase how we as many nations
         The Queensland Government is          in Queensland are passing on traditional knowledge, building our skills and taking
         supporting CIAF with annual funding of
 Arone Meeks, The Gesture  $600,000 as well as additional support   on new technical materials. I believe it gives us a strong voice to share with the
                                               broader and global community.
         for the Premier’s Award for Excellence
         category in the CIAF Art Awards.      What are the new opportunities you see for the festival and for artists with the
         Minister for the Arts Leeanne Enoch said   pivot to digital?
         the digital delivery for CIAF 2020 was   This is a very exciting time to take on and give the broader community and our own
         an inspiring way to enjoy the festival in   mob an opportunity to be an active participant in this digital presentation. We will
         what has been a challenging year for the   have access to share, interact and grow. From the various artforms and discussions
         arts community.                       being held through this CIAF 2020 festival, I am also very keen to see how the
         “I am excited to share the talent and   fashion show plays out as they utilise Tropical North Queensland as a backdrop.
         creativity of Queensland’s Aboriginal   I am sure this will also open potential new opportunities, through commissions,
         and Torres Strait Islander artists and   exhibitions and other creative opportunities here and abroad.
         performers with a potential worldwide
         audience, through this innovative online   What are you most looking forward to seeing at this year’s event?
         format,” Minister Enoch said.         All of it. I was delivering works for the
                                               Undercurrents exhibition at The Tanks
                                               Arts Centre, and wow! What a wonderful
                                               collection of Indigenous views of Cook’s 250th
                                               anniversary. There is also a retrospective of
                                               Bala Billy Missi, the fashion extravaganza
                                               and the showcasing of all the up and coming
                                               talent. CIAF is a rare and proud time for us
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