Page 23 - Tropic Magazine Issue 25
P. 23


             New reef chief

              CEO APPOINTMENT
             A passionate marine
             conservationist has joined
             the team at Reef Restoration
             Foundation as its new CEO.

             Words: Gavin King
             An innovative coral nursery foundation
             is set to enter a new phase of growth   years deploying nurseries and planting   with industry leader Cairns Marine. He
             with the appointment of new CEO Ryan   corals on the Great Barrier Reef.    was also a key driver behind industry
             Donnelly. Chairperson and interim   Ryan’s appointment means the   body Pro-vision Reef, linking coral
             CEO Rob Giason said Ryan’s experience   Foundation can move forward with   fishery industry practices to improve
             as a coordinator, facilitator and   plans for three new outer reef nurseries   environmental performance. He’s also
             communicator in the marine aquarium   in addition to its existing sites at Fitzroy   held various roles with the Reef and
             trade over the last decade was a perfect fit   Island and Hastings Reef. Ryan holds a   Rainforest Research Centre, Terrain
             for the Reef Restoration Foundation.  Bachelor of Coastal Management and   Natural Resource Management, Cairns
             The organisation has spent the past three   a Master of Science and has worked   Chamber of Commerce and Wet Tropics
                                                                                Waterways and helped develop the
                                                                                Great Barrier Reef International Marine
              Fisho’s unite
              Local recreational anglers are
              being called on to take part in a
              citizen science project. Aimed                                     Crazy fight
              at improving urban waterway
              management, the project will                                         It could take 10 years or more
              focus on the Saltwater Creek                                       to eradicate yellow crazy
              urban catchment north of the                                       ants from parts of Cairns.
                                                                                 That’s the long-term verdict
              Cairns’ CBD.
              Project manager Dr Geoffrey    the year, the objective is to identify   from experts working to rid
                                                                                 infestations from six suburbs
              Collins said the study will help   where fish gather, what conditions
              authorities and recreational fishers   they need to feed, breed and   in the city. Cairns Regional
              understand “how, when and why”   move and use that information to   Council recently voted to
                                                                                 continue supporting the
              fish move through urban waters.   review and assess current water
              “Anglers are the eyes and ears   management practices.             fight, led by the Wet Tropics
                                                                                 Management Authority.
              above and below the water and   The project, titled “Saltwater
              they know that urban areas hold a   Creek Waterway Management
              high diversity of fish species,” Dr   Plan”, is a collaboration between   The highly invasive
                                                                                 and damaging ants are
              Collins said. “They also understand   Cairns Regional Council, James
              that current water management   Cook University, Wet Tropics       known to exist in
                                                                                 Bentley Park
              practices can potentially be   Waterways and Australia’s fishing
              improved and that positive     conservation organisation           Edmonton
              management changes will have a   OzFish Unlimited.                 Mount Peter
              direct impact on their fishing.
              “By conducting a series of baseline                                Wrights Creek
                                                                                 Bayview Heights
              fish surveys at different times of   MORE:

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