Page 43 - Tropic Magazine Issue 17
P. 43


             Joe’s passion for his family is matched by
             his commitment to JVIB and its clients.
             His health journey was a turning point
             in his life that led him to sell a 70% stake   from the conference. For some time I’d
             of JVIB to publicly-listed national firm   thought about the need for a succession
             Steadfast Group about 18 months ago.   plan, even before the health issues, so
             One thing is clear about Joe and his   I thought why not, I’ll look at some of
             company these days: it’s business as   these offers and opportunities. I just
             usual. He retained 30% of the company,   thought I’ve been given an opportunity
             and still arrives at the office around 7am   for life, to live again, and I’ve also been
             each day where he works 12-13 hour   given the opportunity for financial
             days, powered by healthy eating and   security. I have a lot of confidence and
             daily dawn sessions of boxing training at   trust in Steadfast. I know their DNA, I
             a gym in Redlynch.               know their CEO, I’ve known them long-
             “In August 2017 I attended a big   term, I was on their board for a long
             insurance industry forum in Brisbane   time before they were listed, so it was a
             and nobody recognised me because I’d   no-brainer for me. The ability to retain
             lost so much weight,” he said. “After   some ownership was also a big part of it
             people saw me I guess there was talk in   for me. As for our staff and our clients, it
             the marketplace that I was dying and the   is business as usual. Nothing changes.”
             business needed to be sold so I received   Nothing changes, except Joe’s new lease
             calls with offers when I got back home   on life.

               JVIB FAST FACTS

               Established    1996

               Staff    27

               Clients    More than 5200

                 Joe Vella: 30%
                 Steadfast: 70%

               Steadfast Group is the largest
               general insurance broker
               network and the largest group
               of underwriting agencies in
               Australasia, with growing
               operations in Asia and Europe.

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