Page 52 - Tropic Magazine Issue 25
P. 52


           Myth busters

           FAMILY LAW
           Cairns Family Law Group
           highlights some common

           We all know someone that has been
           through a separation and wants to
           give you advice or share their “horror
           story” with you. Often, that advice is
           wrong or misleading. Every separation
           is different. There is no one case fits
           all. It is important if you are thinking
           of separating or have separated that
           you get advice from a lawyer that
           specialises in family law so that you   The reality is that many cases are not   not formalised properly then you
           can make an informed decision.   50/50.                           are exposing yourself to the risk of
           Catherine Ross and Amalie Grima are the                           the other party later claiming an
           Directors at Cairns Family Law Group.   Myth 2: All family law disputes go to   additional piece of the pie down
           They have busted the top three myths in   Court.                  the track. At Cairns Family Law
           family law.                      Most parties do not go anywhere near a   Group, much of our work is drafting
                                            court. After parties have received advice   Consent Orders or Binding Financial
           Myth 1: All relationships end in a 50/50   about what the law says, most parties   Agreements so that clients have peace
           property division.               are able to reach an agreement between   of mind and the deal is sealed.” There
            There is no rule or presumption that   themselves or with the assistance of   are many benefits of formalising an
           property will be divided equally upon   lawyers. Catherine says, “at Cairns Family   agreement such as tax exemptions,
           separation. The law says that property   Law Group we have a strong focus on   protection of rights and entitlements,
           should be divided in a fair way.  The   trying to help our clients settle out of   estate planning and simplicity.
           factors that are applied to determine   court. If Court is necessary, then most
           what is fair include:            of these matters will be resolved by an
           • The length of the relationship;  agreement well before a final hearing,
           • The financial contributions of   with less than 4% of matters being
           each party, including what each   determined by a judge after a trial.”
           party had at the commencement
           of the relationship or any special   Myth 3: If you agree then you don’t
           contributions for example an     need to involve lawyers for a property
           inheritance;                     settlement.
           • The non-financial contributions of   Amalie says, “it is very important
           either party; and                that if you reach an agreement
           • The current and future needs of   that it is properly formalised by a
           the parties, for example each party’s   Consent Order or Binding Financial   MORE:
           income or care of children.      Agreement.  If the agreement is

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