Page 36 - Tropic Magazine Issue 25
P. 36


                                            Lynelle Flinders
                                            Designer and artist

         Q&A                                What does CIAF mean to you personally
         Simone Arnol                       and to the broader community in 2020?
                                            The arts play a different and necessary part
         Fashion performance curator, designer   in contributing to the health, development
         and artist                         and wellbeing of our society. CIAF is a
                                            great platform to showcase Indigenous
         What does CIAF mean to you personally   stories and culture through different
         and to the broader community in 2020?  mediums. CIAF has allowed me to indulge
         One word sums up what CIAF means to   in a passion that I want everyone to see. I
         me personally and that is ‘challenge’. A   want my work to matter. My goal is that I
         personal journey within myself to step   want people to look at my work and say to
         up the creativity to captivate the wider   themselves: “If she can do that, so can I!”
         community whilst keeping it ‘grassroots’.
                                            I hope they then have the courage to step
                                            forward and do something about it.
         What are the new opportunities you see
         for the festival and for artists with the   What are the new opportunities you see
         pivot to digital?                  for the festival and for artists with the
         The CIAF digital festival provides a   pivot to digital?
         platform for artists to showcase their   With a wider audience being reached to
         works to a worldwide audience. The   see what CIAF is about, this swing to a
         digital platform also allows the artist   digital platform will deliver an amazing
         to use the digital links capturing   experience for guests. The region as well
         their art form that can be used in   as artwork from Cape York to Torres Strait
         grant applications as supporting   will be on display - you couldn’t get better
         documentation - giving funding bodies a   tourist advertising than that.
         visual insight into the artist’s talent.
                                            What are you most looking forward to
         What are you most looking forward to   seeing at this year’s event?
         seeing at this year’s event?       I could be biased and say the fashion
         CIAF’s virtual fashion performance,  performance, but really, I look forward
         Water is Sacred, of course!        to seeing the festival, and the best thing
                                            about the digital platform is that I can   1.  Shimmer - Simone Arnol & the Djunngaal Yarrabah
                                            watch it over and over.              Elders Group
                                                                                 2. Lynelle Flinders, Sown in Time

                                              Central Western Desert work that many   What are the new opportunities you see
                                              people in the broader community associate  for the festival and for artists with the
                                              with Indigenous art. So, it’s always good   pivot to digital?
                                              to have a dedicated platform for people to   We have an opportunity to display works
                                              experience our work. This year is 250 years   to a broader audience - internationally
          Q&A                                 since Cook’s arrival in Australia. It’s a really  and throughout Australia. People who,
                                              important time for the Guugu Ymithirr
                                                                                  due to distance, wouldn’t normally be able
          Hope Vale Arts and Culture Centre   community.  We’ve taken time to think   to travel and experience CIAF in person
          Visual art exhibitions and fashion   about the way things have changed for our   can now. It’s a very significant year for
          performance                         people because of that one event. It’s been   Indigenous communities in Cape York, so it
                                              hard, and a bit sad, and a bit bittersweet   is nice to know that people will get to see
          What does CIAF mean to you personally   to think about the long-lasting impact of   the work that we’ve produced.
          and to the broader community in 2020?  that single event, but we know that there
          We love that it is an opportunity to   are lots of people who want to hear from   What are you most looking forward to
          celebrate the artwork produced by   us about our thoughts and feelings. It’s   seeing at this year’s event?
          communities in Queensland. Our voices   not easy to put into words how much it   The highlight for us every single year is
          and stories are distinct and different   means to us that we have not only had the   the fashion showcase. We’re very excited
          to those of Indigenous communities   platform to tell our stories this year, but   to see how the team have found a way to
          elsewhere in Australia, and our artwork   also that there is an audience out there   bring our fashion collection to life this year,
          looks very different to lots of the beautiful   waiting and ready to hear them.    considering that there is no runway.

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