Page 18 - Tropic Magazine Issue 25
P. 18
How to get that
Words: Eva Grabner
When you apply for an advertised STANDS OUT FROM THE REST
position, you are often one of many Knowing what you bring to the table
qualified applicants, especially in the and clearly articulating it sets you apart I have seen great resumes and terrible
current job market. A job interview is from the masses right away. Often, resumes. What makes a great resume?
critical for advancing through the hiring people are not clear on what they can Clearly defining what problems you will
process, positioning yourself as a strong do to specifically help a company. solve for the company and adjusting
candidate and accepting a job offer. It Companies want to know what you can the resume based on the job available
is essential to create a strategy that best do for them... it helps to answer that are two important factors. Highlight
demonstrates your qualifications and question well. your achievements rather than your
elevates you above your competition. responsibilities, this way you are
I would like to help you explore ways showing what you have actually done
you can improve your ability to get an in your last role instead of just copying
interview and secure a job offer. and pasting your position description.
First of all, knowing that you are likely It’s not whether you
one of many applicants, how do you
get “noticed”? There are a few steps you get knocked down. It’s 6 WRITE AN EFFECTIVE
can follow to greatly increase your odds whether you get up. COVER LETTER
of landing that interview. Here is a Since your cover letter serves as your
countdown of my top 10: Vince
Lombardi first chance to make a good impression
on the hiring team, customise this
10 BE SPECIFIC introductory note for the job listing. Be
8 RESEARCH YOUR TARGET succinct. A cover letter should be short,
Develop a list of specific target COMPANIES sharp and to the point and not just
companies that you can identify to repeat what is already in your resume.
those with whom you are networking. Know those companies that appeal Instead the letter should provide an
For example, if you say: “I want to work to you and appear to be a great fit. If overview of your skills and tie in with
in engineering,” that doesn’t really get you don’t know about the company or what the selection criteria outlined in
my brain working. However, if you say: if you don’t really want to work there, the job advert or application pack.
“ I want to work for XYZ company in an it typically shows in a conversation. At the end of the cover letter, prompt
engineering capacity, namely leading If you are excited about the potential the hiring manager to take the next step
a team of hardware engineers,” that of working for the company and you in the application process. For example,
helps me to a) understand what you are have clearly done your research that you can encourage the hiring manager
looking for and b) start thinking about will make you extremely appealing and to schedule an interview with you to
who I may know at XYZ company. different from the rest. discuss the job opening further.
18 • Tropic • Issue 25