Page 28 - Tropic Magazine Issue 38
P. 28
Leading edge
James Cook University is getting
high school students ready
today for tomorrow by offering
tertiary courses to those in
years 11 and 12.
That means current year 10 and 11
Ambitious high school students are students can now take the opportunity
getting a jump start on their tertiary to enrol. 10 places in each subject in each
degrees while still at school. James location are up for grabs. To be eligible, a
Cook University’s (JCU) NOW program student must have a B average or higher
offers courses across health, education, and will need the support of their school
business, law, science, technology and parents or carers. “Schools that I have
and engineering. One of the major spoken to have been really excited about
benefits is that successful completion of this program from JCU and there are Applications for 2023
subjects counts towards a student’s QCE lots of conversations being had with year open December 5, 2022.
(Queensland Certificate of Education). 10 students about these opportunities
Most of the courses are offered at both during their Senior Education and
the Cairns and Townsville campuses, and Training planning, going into “The Queensland Curriculum and
online to cater for more remote students. year 11,” Susan said. “We’ve seen really Assessment Authority (QCAA) recognises
JCU NOW Coordinator Susan Hatherell steady growth this year and expect to and grants Queensland Certificate of
said the first intake of students joined keep growing, in the number of students Education (QCE) credit points for university
the uni community this year. “Our law enrolled as well as the number of subjects studies,” Susan explained. “Students who
subjects, in particular, have been really we offer.” successfully complete a JCU NOW subject
popular with the students,” she said. A student’s commitment is dependent are eligible to receive two credit points
“The subjects we have offered are those on their subject selection, but generally, towards their QCE.”
we feel will be interesting to students, as they’re asked to set aside two to three However, the benefits far exceed that,
well as being an opportunity for them to hours for lectures, tutorials and with students also able to earn credits for
get a head start on their tertiary studies. workshops each week, along with a few completed subjects if the subject is part of
“Subjects have also been aligned so hours of study time to prepare, complete their chosen degree. This reduces not only
they provide an extension opportunity and submit assignments on time. the cost, but duration of their
for students alongside their high While it may seem like a lot for a student tertiary studies. It also provides a higher
school subjects.” who already has the workload of senior likelihood of a university offer. “Students
The courses are offered to both state and study to contend with, one major may be eligible for an Early Offer based on
non-state schools, to students in years bonus is that it counts towards a the successful completion of a subject,”
11 and 12. student’s senior certificate. Susan said.
28 • Tropic • Issue 38