Page 27 - Tropic Magazine Issue 38
P. 27
Community spirit 3
15 students and three teachers this
year donated their locks to raise an
incredible $25,000 for the Queensland National
Cancer Council as part of the TAS recognition
Ponytail Project. The hair will be
turned into wigs for cancer patients. Trinity Anglican School (TAS)
was this year recognised for
its all-of-student development
and regarded year two to 11 Outdoor approach, named in the top
Education program. Leadership is eight non-government primary
another area that students are able to schools at the Australian
grow and develop their skills, such as Education Awards.
retreats, Student United Nations, and the
encouragement and support to attend
external leadership opportunities.”
Students are also provided with a whole It is a core
year swimming development program focus at TAS to
from prep to year six, music, sport and 4
chess opportunities, plus a variety of take an individualised
activities through the TAS Time and “The International Round Square approach to education
Activities programs. Mr Sjogren said the conferences and exchanges have a lasting
success of TAS programs is evident in impression on our students. that ensures we nurture
student transformations. “These events significantly impact their and bring out the best
global awareness.”
Technology is also included, with in each student
students from year three to year 12 Peter Gazzola
provided their own high-standard laptop Head of White
Whilst challenging, and the skills and guidance needed to use Rock Campus
the changes in students, them for genuine learning experiences.
in particular their Safety nets are also in place to ensure The TAS Outdoor Education
program was also in the top
continuing wellbeing. Students are
maturity and tolerance, surveyed to ‘take the temperature’ of nine co-curricular offerings
is striking each cohort, using tools such as The nationwide. “With its tangible
links to the school curriculum
Resilient Youth Survey, which allows staff
Paul Sjogren to tailor programs to individual needs. that enhance what is taught in
TAS Principal Additionally, the school’s house structure the classroom, and vice versa,
is more than just about sport, providing the success of TAS’ Outdoor
“We have a high level of participation each student with tutors and mentors, Education Program is largely
in our Outdoor Education program, while encouraging a sense of belonging due to its carefully sequenced
particularly the year nine 18-day journey,” and personal interconnectedness and design,” said Head of Outdoor
he said. “It is something that few schools allowing staff to identify issues to Education, Darren Osmond.
do anymore, which is a real shame. intervene and support as necessary.
1. TAS Year 6 students, Asher and Veer, participating in chess coaching 2. Mr Peter Gazzola, Head of TAS White Rock Campus Primary, with Violet (Prep) and Amelia
(Year 6) at the student-maintained wellbeing garden 3. Students participating in the awarded TAS Outdoor Education Program 4. 2022 School Captain, Aurelia Woods
fundraising for Cancer Council Queensland
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