Page 26 - Tropic Magazine Issue 38
P. 26
Trinity Anglican School
takes a diverse and holistic
approach to individualised
education which encompasses
a whole range of benefits
from developing positive
social interactions, outdoor
adventures, academic learning,
altruism and much more.
Words: Renee Cluff
There’s plenty of research showing that Principal Paul Sjogren told Tropic that TAS has a variety of tools to improve
children need a solid foundation to providing children with all-round students’ resilience, including its
build strong and happy futures based on development builds resilient adults, compulsory specialty wellbeing programs
wellbeing, worldliness, self-awareness which is crucial to their success in Care and Connect (for primary school)
and sociability. Trinity Anglican School life. He points to recent research by and Cosmos (for secondary). They instil
(TAS) has delved deeper into the details global consulting firm McKinsey and life-long qualities such as resilience,
of those studies, and the result is an Company, which found Generation Zs empathy, kindness and citizenship
empowering curriculum focused on (aged 10 to 25) reported higher rates through the development of relationships
much more than academics. of anxiety, depression and distress between students and their peers as
than any other age group during the well as students and their teachers.
COVID-19 pandemic - almost double The school, which has campuses at
the levels reported by millennials and both White Rock and Kewarra Beach,
Gen X respondents and triple the is also part of the International Round
levels of baby boomers. “The resilience Square global coalition of schools, which
of young people continues to be an helps students grow in their awareness
issue,” he said. “It is fine to provide an of different countries and cultures.
excellent educational program towards There’s also a massive focus on outdoor
strong academic results, as we do at education, for which TAS has won
TAS, but that is only part of the story. many awards, as well as leadership and
“The value of a great ATAR is markedly community contributions.
reduced if young people are not in the “The students carry out a variety of
mental and emotional position to build service and fundraising initiatives
on this and move forward into their to build real understanding about
careers successfully. At TAS we focus on gratitude,” Mr Sjogren said. “They build
providing the foundation and experiences resilience, teamwork, tolerance and
that arm our students to succeed.” initiative through our widely awarded
26 • Tropic • Issue 38