Page 58 - Tropic Magazine Issue 31
P. 58
The Italian way
Sicilian sauce, culture clashes The production crosses between
and cherished tradition feature deeply moving moments and hilarity,
mirroring the tug-of-war experience
in JUTE’s new musical dramedy of multi-generational migrants trying
about the Italian migration. to both fit in with mainstream Aussie
culture and protect and preserve
La Bella Figura is based on lived their heritage.
experience. Written by second “I’m so proud of the script,”
generation Italian-Australians and Mr Dangelico said.
Cairns locals Frank Dangelico and “It’s not a new story we’re telling, but
Roz Pappalardo, it explores how the we are telling it in a different way.”
concept of ‘the Italian way’ has woven
complexities into their lives, with
both profound and comedic results. La bella figura (quite literally
Through characters representing three Parts of it have made me ‘the beautiful image’) is a way
generations of Italian-Australians, of thinking that deeply impacts
the production explores the legacy roar with laughter and how Italians work, live and even
of Italian migration over the past other parts have reduced eat! At its core is a philosophy
100 years, both in Australian cultural about presenting yourself well;
context and more specifically in Far me to tears because of the not just dressing snappy, but also
North Queensland. authenticity of it being mindful of how to conduct
Ms Pappalardo and Mr Dangelico are Frank Dangelico yourself, always projecting a good
also the lead actors, with the latter Co-writer and image both of you and your family.
playing the role of Nonna. He explained lead actor
to Tropic the concept of La Bella Figura. Under the steady direction of Suellen
“It basically centres on striving for Established regional playwright Maunder, the elements intertwine to
beauty in the way you present yourself,” Kathryn Ash helped to guide the create a heart-warming, joyous night
he said. “In Italy, you see immaculately narrative, which was also developed of theatre.
dressed people everywhere. If people in consultation with key Italian
are coming over, you get the good community leaders. La Bella Figura runs from October 15-23
cups and the good tablecloth out and La Bella Figura is layered with original at Bulmba-ja Arts Centre.
make sure the house is spotless. There songs from celebrated local composer,
was a lot of pressure to uphold those Rubina Kimiia, including some MORE:
standards.” the crowd can enjoy singing along to.
Ones to watch
UMI Arts’ blue-chip exhibition,
Freshwater Saltwater, is aiming to
unveil the ‘next big thing.’
Nine artists from some of the
most remote reaches of Far North
Queensland are represented at UMI
Arts’ eighth annual Freshwater Saltwater Freshwater Saltwater puts emerging The exhibition also builds on the
exhibition. The artists come from artists in the spotlight while the profiles of more established artists.
varying Indigenous nations, from industry’s leading lights are in town It runs until September 9.
Mission Beach in the south, north to for the Cairns Indigenous Arts Festival UMI Arts’ member works are also being
the Torres Strait, and west to the Gulf (CIAF). “Freshwater Saltwater celebrates exhibited at CIAF.
of Carpentaria. its member artists having achieved a Artist Lisa Michl Ko-manggén OAM
The 14 works on display are in a variety major milestone in their career with Credit: Blueclick Photography
of mediums, from linocut prints to artwork representing a high level of
acrylic painting on canvas. UMI Arts’ quality, that is collectible and in other MORE:
Executive Officer Peter Lenoy says words, exhibition ready,” he said.
58 • Tropic • Issue 31