Page 55 - Tropic Magazine Issue 31
P. 55


                                                                               “It’s a pleasure to share this collection
                                                                               of memories from Laura and to express
                                                                               deep gratitude to our hosts, the Ang-
                                                                               Gnarra Aboriginal Corporation and
                                                                               First Nations people of Cape York.
                                                                               Thank you for the generous welcome
                                                                               and the beautiful spirit of the festival.”
                                                                               - Colyn Huber


              A privilege to be able to gather in the ancient setting and witness ritual shared, culture passed  |  I love the intricate balance of feelings a moment can contain
           I am grateful, and often humbled by the honesty  |  Sheer delight to see this, to share this  |  I’ve always enjoyed the thought that our Indigenous dancers, and indeed any
                             dancer, is putting energy, vitality, into the land  |  So much love … a grateful crowd  |  The frontline of healing

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