Page 67 - Tropic Magazine Issue 25
P. 67
Stage 1 & 2 civil works underway &
residents’ homes commenced
With construction activity accelerating Operating as a land lease community,
at Botanica Lifestyle Resort, the first residents are exempt from entrance
residents of this one of a kind $90 million fees, exit fees, stamp duty, strata levies
development are well on track to move and council rates. They also keep 100%
in by the end of the year. The construc- of all capital gains by owning their
tion of the first two display homes at home outright and paying a weekly site
Botanica is now complete, FGF has fee for the provision and maintenance
STAGE 2 finished the internal sewer and stormwa- of the resort and its facilities.
RELEASED ter works and all of the stage one and
EARLY DUE TO two home sites are levelled and are If eligible, residents may also receive
government rent assistance for a signifi-
ready for construction.
DEMAND cant portion of their site fees. The resort
Botanica Lifestyle Resort remains com- will also cater for RV owners and the
mitted to supporting local businesses gated community is perfect for the ‘lock
and contractors throughout construc- and leave’ lifestyle for those who enjoy
tion, and their ongoing partnerships with travelling. The Botanica team also plans
FGF, Bridgewater Builders, Jacob’s local to deliver over 15 hectares of public
team, Urban Sync, Andrew Prowse and parkland on completion of the project.
CA Architects are all a testament to that
commitment. Botanica is even featuring
a couple of great local artists in their
display homes, so keep an eye out
when you pop by.
Botanica’s display homes have arrived
Cairns’ first over 50s lifestyle resort plenty of room for friends and family
continues to record strong sales and to visit.
inquiries from both local and
interstate buyers, with stage one Botanica Lifestyle Resort features
already sold out and stage two now seven home designs and offers
selling. Proving to be a huge hit, the either a contemporary or classic
homes have been designed in their façade option for each design.
signature Botanica style which is a Botanica is also allowing purchasers
modern twist on tropical to custom design their own homes
Queensland architecture. Bold yet so that they are tailored to your
sophisticated, they capture the tastes and needs. Book an
essence of a Botanica lifestyle in appointment at the sales office to sit
every line and offer low down with their design team and
maintenance living at its finest with unleash your inner architect.
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