Page 76 - Tropic Magazine Issue 17
P. 76


           Racing ahead

           A new committee at Cairns
           Cycling Club has elevated the
           organisation to new heights.

           It’s been a big 12 months at the Cairns
           Cycling Club. After electing a new
           committee in early 2018, led by Richie
           Bates and James Mort, the club has
           racked up a series of milestones
           in terms of new membership and
           achievement. To top it all off, the club
           was recently awarded Club Of The Year
           by its state body, Cycling Queensland.
           Competitive cycling has a long history
           in Cairns. The very first Cairns Cycling
           Club was established in 1894. By 1928,
           the Cairns Cycling Club was considered   president Richie Bates.   Juniors go for a spin at a Wednesday track night.
           one of the richest in the state, worth   In 1959, the cycling community was
           £500. In 1932, the Cairns Ladies Cycling   gifted a parcel of land at Manunda,
           Club was established, the first of its   which was named after its donor, Smith   on ensuring that a full racing calendar
           type in Queensland. “Cairns has always   Park. Cairns Cycling Club is still housed   around Cairns and occasionally also on
           had a strong connection with cycling   there today. That same year, the two   the Tablelands would be maintained
           - bike racing was one of our earliest   dominant clubs - the Cairns Ladies   and well executed and that amenities
           participatory sports and conducted at   Cycling Club and the pro men’s Trinity   would be improved. Capacity of the
           historic venues like Norman Park (now   Wheelers - amalgamated and became   club would be developed with training
           Munro Martin Parklands)”, says club                               of more coaches and commissaires
                                            the current incarnation, Cairns Cycling   (referees) and communications with
                                            Club. “At its core, cycling has always   members and the broader community
                                            been a family sport where all members   would be improved.
                                            could compete, and dynasties of cycling   As a result, membership grew 12% with
                                            bloodlines were created,” Bates said.   a 50% increase in junior membership -
                                            “Jim Larcombe, who was a boy at the   mostly girls! Participation in road races
                                            time of the amalgamation, still races   increased by 40%. Recently, Olympian
                                            with us today, as do his son and his   Sara Carrigan trained up half a dozen
                                            granddaughters.”                 new club coaches, and extra training
                                            Last year, the club faced a serious   nights at Smith Park were introduced,
                                            challenge. With a State Government   allowing cyclists to train away from
                                            grant to resurface the old track, the   traffic in a welcoming and safe
            The club races every Wednesday night at   club’s home track had been out of   environment.
            Smith Park.                     action much longer than anticipated,   The 2018 committee has just been
                                            and membership and participation   re-elected and is currently working
                                            on track and road was declining. New   hard on securing the future of its
                                            legislation also made it harder to   criterium (short circuit) racing with the
                                            obtain racing permits which affected   development of a closed-road circuit.
                                            the club’s racing calendar. The new   This year’s race calendar includes some
                                            committee developed a comprehensive   exciting new road courses in Cairns and
                                            strategy to tackle this. They focused   on the Tablelands and more track racing
                                                                             and social events have been added to the
                                                                             club calendar. In May, the club will be
                                                                             part of the Great Barrier Reef Masters
                                                                             Games, and is looking forward to the
                                                                             Tour of the Tropics in August. The club’s
                                                                             annual Cup on Wheels carnival will be
                                                                             held in October this year.
                                                                             Indeed, the wheels are in motion for
            Joan Ware in 1952, taken after she won                           another big 12 months ahead.
            two state titles on the track. Joan was
            a member of the Cairns Ladies Cycling   Course commentator and author of our
            Club which merged into the Cairns   road race reports Alan Jones (left) and club
            Cycling Club in 1959.            president and commissaire Richie Bates.  MORE:

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