Page 81 - Tropic Magazine Issue 17
P. 81

                                                 Early Settler

                                                 Tropic Studio collaborated with    DESIGN + MARKETING:
                                                 influencer Maddi Wright to
             GRAPHIC DESIGN:                     produce the latest TVC campaign    Alive Pharmacy
             Cairns Language Centre              for Early Settler. The brief was to   The pharmacy industry is extremely
                                                 deliver an agile sales campaign,
             and Cairns Business                 airing during the popular Married   competitive meaning it is important
                                                                                    to deliver sales material on a
             College                             at First Sight program to the      regular basis that cuts through. The
                                                 Townsville market. Tropic Studio
             Developing two different - but      produced the commercial from       new Alive Pharmacy Warehouse
             complementary - brand styles        concept to compliance and          brand was created by Tropic
             for these businesses was a          purchased the media on the         Studio along with rolling out
             challenge that our team at          client’s behalf to deliver a huge   implementation throughout 10
             Tropic Studio revelled in. These    uplift in sales immediately.       locations. Tropic Studio designs,
             were implemented through print                                         prints and distributes the monthly
             brochures, email signatures,                                           12-page Alive catalogue to over
             business cards and more.                                               50,000 homes in Tropical North
                                                                                    Queensland showcasing the
                                                                                    group’s retail offerings.

                                                 GRAPHIC DESIGN:
                                                 Holding Redlich                    PACKAGING:
                                                 Working with an already highly     Bay Rd Brewing
             ABOUT US:                           developed visual language this
             Tropic Studio                       national law firm required a suite   With the latest venture from
                                                 of print and digital marketing     the lads behind Three Wolves
             Since launching in early 2018,      collateral to represent its newly   and Flamingos Tiki Bar opening
             Tropic Studio has grown rapidly     opened Cairns office. Tropic       recently in Gosford, NSW, Tropic
             to deliver high-end design and      Studio delivered on the brief by   Studio was engaged to design
             marketing services for a range      designing a range of brochures     packaging for their craft beer
             of clients. Designer Amy Waddell    and booklets as well as managed    label Bay Rd Brewing. With a
             recently joined our team after      the printing process to ensure     short lead time due to production
             relocating from Brisbane, working   a beautiful finished product       schedules, Tropic Studio delivered
             alongside Caitlin Brennan in our    that was guaranteed to impress     a design that showcases the
             design and video crew.              prospective new clients.           unique personality of the brand.

                      CONTACT US: 103 Mulgrave Rd, Cairns  •  P: (07) 4079 5217  •  [email protected]

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