Page 78 - Tropic Magazine Issue 17
P. 78


           Why is Pilates so

           popular and what’s all
           the fuss about?

           Words Tayla Pogan
           Pilates is a full body workout to challenge
           your muscle balance, symmetry, strength
           and stability in every single class. Sounds   Our Clinical Pilates programs are   higher intensity by getting your heart
           good? Keep reading…              tailored specifically to you and taught   rate up in a challenging 45 minute
           Are you looking for a way to shake up   by our experienced Physiotherapists.   workout, then our Bodytone classes
           your workout routine? Do you want to   Our Physiotherapists investigate what   are a great fit. Our fantastic Pilates
           strengthen and tone, do a fast-paced   areas you need to work on. We figure   instructors will put you through your
           45 minute workout you don’t have to   out what is tight, what areas are weak,   paces on the reformer to strengthen,
           think about? Or maybe you’re looking   where you need stretching or stability   stretch and tone your body. If machines
           for exercises you can do without   work and incorporate this into a   aren’t for you and you’d rather be at
           aggravating that old knee injury. How   tailored program, just for you. These   one with the earth, Q Pilates offers Mat
           about staying active and strong  during   classes are great in that you can decide   Pilates classes focusing on strength,
           your pregnancy? If that little motivator   how intense you want your workout to   flexibility, posture, core stability,
           inside your head is screaming “Yes!”,   be and we can design your program to   balance and breathing. These classes
           then Q Pilates is for you.       suit that intensity.             are suitable for various fitness levels
           At Q Pilates, we offer all of the above in   Recovering from an injury or surgery   and our instructors are great at
           our amazing range of different styles of   or have arthritis or osteoporosis? Then   modifying exercises so you’re getting
           Pilates classes:                 our Physiotherapist-led exercise classes   the best out of every class.
           •  Clinical Pilates              are the best place to start. We will
           •  Rehab exercise                get you stronger, moving better and
           •  Bodytone reformer             functioning in a safe and motivating   MORE:
           •  Mat Pilates                   class. If you’re looking to work at a

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