Page 73 - Tropic Magazine Issue 12
P. 73
Apart from the launch of its Y Block tasked with creating artwork in
Arts Hub, the TAFE Queensland Cairns response to that,” Andrea told Tropic.
campus bolstered its artistic focus by “We basically donate our time to create
participating in the recent Sea Walls: ocean-conservation themed murals
Artists for Oceans project. Social media under the banner of the Sea Walls
was buzzing with images of the giant, Festival, and in return we get the warm
colourful murals that took shape across fuzzies knowing we’ve played a part.”
the city from the TAFE Queensland Given the value of creative industries to
Cairns campus to the Cairns Queensland - government figures
Showgrounds. e Sea Walls exhibition estimate it contributes more than $3.4
It’s been said that creativity is allowing has le t a lasting legacy on our billion to the state’s economy annually –
yourself to make mistakes, and art is cityscape, projecting both beauty and TAFE Queensland is set to play a key
knowing which ones to keep. the plight of ocean conservation on to role in this growing sector. Cairns will
Learning from those creative mistakes scene, o fering new courses in visual public canvases. be richer for it, and not just in terms of
takes patience and perseverance. It also arts along with digital media and Andrea was one of the featured artists the economic benefits it can generate.
helps to have a practical, experienced music. Andrea is excited to be working in the Sea Walls project, converting a
mentor to guide you through the with students in a city that is home to large electrical transformer box on MORE: or 1300 308 233
process. at’s where renowned local such an inspiring creative community. Gatton Street into an extraordinary
artist and TAFE Queensland Studio “I'm always surprised at the calibre of piece of ocean-inspired public art.
Resident Andrea Huelin comes in. More the work here in Cairns, especially “ e PangeaSeed Foundation recruit a
than a teacher, Andrea is an artist with when I travel and I see work that I number of artists - they call them
a passion for sharing her knowledge don't think is as strong,” Andrea said. ‘ARTivists’ - and get us to promote the
and experience, including the inevitable “When I come home I'm always just so message, educate us a little bit about
mistakes an artist might make along pleased that I'm in a community that is what the issues are locally, and we’re
the journey to accomplishment. vibrant and inclusive, but also that the
Art and creative courses are entering an quality of the art being produced here
exciting new era at TAFE Queensland’s is on par with any big city anywhere.
Cairns campus, with the newly It's really impressive.” PATHWAYS and PROGRESSIONS
developed Y Block Arts Hub featuring
six long-term studio spaces, as well as With great facilities and experienced, passionate teaching staff, TAFE
Queensland is entering a new era of arts leadership. With the recent addition of
an event-based gallery, a project area the Y Block Arts Hub and Studio Residency program at the Cairns campus, this
and Makerspace. e corresponding Y innovative space, alongside the respected Banggu Minjaany Art Gallery, will
Block Studio Residency program is an cement the college’s credibility as North Queensland’s premium VET provider of
initiative designed to reinvigorate the arts-related skills and qualifications.
on-campus art scene.
“I’m a casual teacher here at TAFE Some of the courses being offered at the Cairns campus include Aboriginal and
Queensland as well as one of the six Torres Strait Islander Cultural Arts qualifications, digital media short courses,
studio residents on campus; there are music and visual arts qualifications or short courses.
three of us in each of the big art rooms, TAFE Queensland is Queensland's largest, most experienced training provider,
so we share that space and it's delivering practical, industry-relevant training across a range of industries from
fantastic,” Andrea said. “Especially entry-level certificates to bachelor degrees at more than 50 locations. The TAFE
designed as a resident’s space, they Queensland Cairns campus has always had a great reputation for the arts due
really feel terrific to work in, with to its hands-on teaching style and practical applications.
everything you could need right there. With additional new short courses starting in visual arts, cultural arts, music
I'm thrilled to be involved. My husband and digital media, the TAFE Queensland Cairns campus is delivering on the
is excited that he’ll be getting his organisation’s broader vision to be the leader of exemplary arts education and
carport back.” training in Queensland and beyond.
TAFE Queensland aims to be a key
contributor of the local art and creative