Page 32 - Tropic Magazine Issue 34
P. 32


           Satellite suburbs

           TOWN PLANNING
           In Tropic’s latest investigation                                                        Credit: NEOM
           into improving public transport,
           we consider whether Cairns
           leaders could learn from a
           futuristic urban plan in
           the Middle East.
           Words: Renee Cluff

           THE LINE project in Saudi Arabia    “We need to transform the concept    In our case, it would mean valuable
           centres on a revolutionary lineal city,   of a conventional city into that of a   agricultural land to the north and south
           much like the geography of Cairns.    futuristic one. It will give residents the   of the city could be maintained, ensuring
           It’s radically futuristic, catering for a   opportunity to reclaim time to spend    sugar mills remain viable.
           million people along a 170-kilometre   on health and wellbeing.”    Population expansion would also not
           belt, with no roads or cars. At its core is a                     impact the World Heritage Wet Tropics
           series of connected communities,                                  rainforest.“Throughout history, cities
           or city modules. In each community,                               were built to protect their citizens,” the
           all essential services are accessible within                      Crown Prince said. “After the Industrial
           walking distance. It’s supported by two   Why should we accept    Revolution, cities prioritised machines,
           underground layers that connect the   wasting years of our lives   cars and factories over people.
           modules. One is a service layer for high-                         “THE LINE will comprise carbon-positive
           speed freight transportation, utilities,   commuting?             urban developments powered by 100 per
           digital infrastructure and logistics.                             cent clean energy, providing pollution-
           The other has a metro line which is also                          free, healthier and more sustainable
           high-speed and caters for vehicles driven   His Royal Highness Mohammed bin Salman    environments for residents.
           by artificial intelligence.             Crown Prince of Saudi Arabia  “Mixed-use communities will be built
           Construction began a year ago, soon                               around nature, instead of over it.”
           after the project was announced by His   The legacy infrastructure project’s main   THE LINE is part of a larger parent
           Royal Highness Mohammed bin Salman,   aims are to reduce pollution, traffic,    project called NEOM, a fully automated
           Crown Prince. “Why should we lose one   and human congestion. The other benefit   $500 billion region that will span Saudi
           million people every year due to traffic   conducive to the Cairns region is that the   Arabia, Jordan and Egypt and be entirely
           accidents?” he asked.            modules are built around nature.    powered by renewable energy.


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