Page 65 - Tropic Magazine Issue 31
P. 65


           Backyard pantry

           EDIBLE GARDEN
           Tips and tricks for growing a
           garden that’s good enough
           to eat.

           No longer is growing food relegated to   Top 3 easy-to-grow fruits
           a small veggie plot at the back of the   Mulberry Fast-growing, great for
           garden. More and more, people are   1  suburban yards and making cubby
           realising the benefits of swapping lawn   houses in. The fruits are sweet-
           for food crops – producing highly-  tart, high in vitamin C, iron and
           nutritious organic fare, saving money   antioxidants.
           and being an environmental steward
           among them. Earth Mumma Tonielle   Banana From the fruit to the flower,
           Christensen is a permaculturalist and   2  leaves and trunk, there are so many
           owner of the Nature Kids Permaculture   uses! The plant is actually a herb
           program who designs, creates and   and a support species in any
           educates about edible landscapes every   permaculture garden.
           day. Here, she shares some of her top tips.
                                              Tip: Plant ‘banana circles’ with different
           What to plant when                 varieties and use the centre as a mulch
           In general, most salads, leafy greens,   pit for household organic wastes.
           brassicas and annual herbs will grow   Use the leaves as plates!
           throughout the dry, colder months.
           Vine vegetables, perennial vegetables   3  Passionfruit A strong, evergreen
           and fruits thrive in the wet season, along   climber great for fence lines or
           with vine beans and tomatoes. The bush   trellising. Children love to scratch their
           varieties do better in the colder months,   name on the developing fruit to tag
           so you can grow them year-round by   which ones they want to eat!
           choosing your variety.
           Go to     Tip: Davidson’s plum is an amazing
           planting-guide for your detailed tropical   native, with large clusters of fruit that
           planting calendar.                 uniquely hang down the tree.
                                              They’re true superfoods, providing a
           Tip: Join your local Seed Savers Network   huge dose of antioxidants, more lutein
           for local seed and plant stock as well as   than avocados as well as being a good
           specific gardening advice for your area.   source of potassium, vitamin E, folate,
                                              zinc, magnesium and calcium.

            Correcting common mistakes

             Wrong soil pH Most annual veggies need a neutral   Too much work Design is the key. Create small,
             pH to absorb nutrients. Do a basic pH test and add   energy-efficient systems in zones. Place plants that
             lime for overly acidic soil. For alkaline soils, add   require lots of attention close to the house and fruit
             compost, manures, mulch or powdered sulphur.  trees further away.

             Nutrient deficiency Just like us, plants need to be   Wrong spots Knowing how the sun, water and wind
             fed and need a healthy environment to thrive.   move across your landscape helps with identifying
             I like to add compost around the base of plants   micro-climates. Use this knowledge to place plants
             every full moon and provide a liquid foliar every new   in the right place.
             moon (worm tea, bokashi juice, weed tea, seaweed).

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