Page 65 - Tropic Magazine Issue 27
P. 65


             Improving your

             immunity                         2. Don’t smoke

                                              If you currently smoke, quit. If you used
              ADVICE                          to smoke, don’t start again. If you’ve never
             Tropic columnist Dr Alex         smoked, don’t start. Contact Quitline
                                              for help to quit smoking, or discuss an
             Bernhardi has some useful        individualised approach with your GP.
             points on boosting your                                            6. Manage your stress
             immunity and embracing the       3. Optimize Type 2 diabetes       Stress, especially chronic stress, has a
                                              Poorly controlled blood sugar levels make
             new year.                        you susceptible for contracting infectious   direct negative impact on your immune
                                                                                system. Unfortunately, stress factors
                                              diseases in general and more likely to   tend to go up rather than down during
             While it would have been nice to leave   suffer serious complications. Therefore,   challenging times, but we can learn how
             COVID-19 in the old year, the reality is it   it’s not only important to keep in close   to deal with stress in a more mindful way.
             will continue to claim space in our lives.   contact with your GP to monitor and   Breathing exercises, yoga, meditation,
             Daily updates on case numbers, border   adjust your treatment, but you could   playing an instrument, singing (even if it
             restrictions and vaccines still dominate   use this opportunity to start working on   sounds off tune), knitting or painting –
             the media. This can make us feel like   the underlying factors leading to your   the list is endless and will be different for
             we’re sitting in the backseat, waiting   diabetes. Your diet is one of the most   everybody.
             for scientists to engineer solutions and   important factors here and you can
             politicians to organise logistics.    achieve huge improvements by adjusting   7. Eat healthy
             This leaves many with uneasy feelings of   your diet.              Eat a healthy diet centred around
             helplessness, but this doesn’t need to be                          unprocessed and mainly plant-based
             the case. Let’s take a look at the things   4. Sleep well          foods. Plant food not only provides
             everybody can do to improve their own   Pay attention to 7-8 hours of good quality   your gut with enough fibre to keep the
             immunity – apart from obeying our   sleep. Restful sleep is one of the most   good bacteria happy and healthy, plants
             effective public health measures. The   underestimated tools in the body’s   also deliver you with an abundance of
             following points are prompts you might   toolbox and is important to reset not only   antioxidants and vitamins that your
             like to raise with your GP or seek further   your immunity, but also your metabolic   immune system needs to work properly.
             medical advice on.               and cardiovascular system.        You might want to check with your GP if
                                                                                your levels of Vit B12 and Vit D are up to
             1. Aim for a healthy body weight  5. Keep on moving                scratch, and if not, how to balance
             People who are obese or severely obese   It doesn’t matter what sport you do, as   them out.
             (anybody with a BMI >30) are at higher   long as you do something. A variety of
             risk of severe illness of COVID-19.   different activities is always good as long   One factor you won’t be able to change is
             Obviously, if you carry a lot of extra   as they’re fun and affordable. Little things   your age. Regardless how hard you try,
             kilos, achieving a normal body weight   go a long way here – keep it moderate but   an advanced age is clearly a risk factor for
             will take some time, but now might just   aim for regularity.      COVID-19. Maybe we can see COVID-19
             be the perfect time to get started on it.   Many studies are pointing out the   as a huge wake-up call to change our
             Optimising body weight will include   beneficial effects of exercise on your   direction towards a healthier future?
             altering your general eating pattern,   immune system (amongst other health
             which needs to be sustainable and healthy   benefits) in particular during times of   Warm regards,
             in the short and long term.      lock down.                        Dr  Alex

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